Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Breezy, chilly and a light rain shower while out.
Still beats working!
A cool and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, and it has been hosing it down with rain on and off for much of the last hour.

Slept well. Went out for the usual Wednesday walk with a friend and her dogs, but we had to cut things short when the heavens opened. Stopped off at the book exchange on the way home and picked out a volume on British history for the parental unit.

As a result of the deluge, my plans for the day have completely changed. I shall most likely spend the afternoon touching up the photos I've scanned over the last couple of days. At least I won't need to water any of the planters.

In other news, I've found my stash of A5 punch pockets - inevitably while searching for something else. I've only just been looking for them since about February! It means that I can now finally file the bunch of stock car programmes that I have acquired, rather than have them languishing in a box file.

It is heading towards luncheon.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
A couple of hours riding this morning. Could be time for long shorts soon enough.

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not the most pleasant experience... Immediately after it felt like I got kicked in a kidney and then it was set on fire. Don't feel anything now.
Still better than ingrown toenail.

I agree. I was told I would get a warm feeling in my back and lie still. Feel like a kick in the back from a horse which made me rigid. very quick tho' which was good.


Vice Admiral
I do not have photographic evidence, but I can confirm it is a badger that is getting into the compost bin.

Fortunately for the culprit, I braved the strong winds to collect up the mess he (or she) had made. I am not sure who was most surprised when I lifted the lid of the compost bin. :eek: :scratch:

The badger was not as big as I expected, and it sort of sat there for a while. I sort of stood there very surprised. Obviously it could not find a way out, the same way as it got in. Compost must have fallen from above the "tunnel" it dug out. I had a large dust pan with me, and assisted the badger to climb out.
It could get its front legs on the top edge of the bin, but was not strong enough to climb out.

Tis a good thing I went out there this afternoon, to tidy up, or he would have run out of oxygen.
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Legendary Member
I do not think the badger was fully grown. This one was about 24 inches from head to tail, and I think adults are bigger than that, possibly 36 inches.

Quite possibly a juvenile, they can be vicious buggers when adult, the only one I've seen 'in the wild' was when I was returning from Derbyshire with a trailer loaded with camping gear in the dark and on a downhill section near Bradgate park when one ran into the road in front of me before crossing the road and disappearing into the woods. I swear my front wheel was only inches from its bum and I was doing some speed, I think that I managed to put a crease into the Brooks certainly had to stop for 10 minutes to stop shaking. :ohmy:
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