Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Windy day with showers.
The 0710 ferry was late leaving due to a "technical issue" but I can never understand why they then tell us that will affect the time of the return journey. Surely that should be obvious tho' on second thoughts it would not be obvious to the touroid who would not be on the system anyway if any of that makes sense.
They did tell us the other day that the linkspan had been inspected and was now safe to use but never told us it had not been safe before inspection. Whoever does the text messaging must have been off that day.
Since I am off tomorrow I am running out of food and the only thing left is a bit of cabbage and a few onions.
Curried cabbage?
My CT scan in Paisley on hold as son has entered a triathlon in Wales so his free time is a bit restricted by that as well as work related courses.
Trying to tidy the loft and make lunch ready...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunshine and showers on this morning's perambulation. I virtually always have porridge for breakfast but I've bought a packet of museli this week as a change. It's certainly convenient as it doesn't need cooking but I think I prefer porridge. It's less sweet.

All ready for another day of excitement at work...

I mix a drop of muesli with pinhead oatmeal for my morning porridge nowadays. Adds a little extra flavour.
My flippin right shoulder hurts! I had to find a way of lying in the night so as to support my arm. It feels like the weight of my arm is pulling on the muscle anchor points trying to pull them off.


Legendary Member
Good (?) morning from a grey, blustery, cool and occasionally damp Suffolk. Looks like trousers will be the order of the day rather than shorts.

Coffee has been had and also added to the shopping list for later on as I'm down to the equivalent of roughly half a pack left. The shopping trip will be combined with a bottle bank run and that's all I'm planning on doing today.
Cool, grey and blustery here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not have the best of night's sleep. Took me ages to drop off, and then kept waking up. No idea why, just one of those things. My sinuses are rather bunged, which means my tinnitus is much louder than usual, and I am struggling to hear properly. Ah joy... NOT.

I have had a reasonably quiet morning puttering about doing kitchen-y things. I think the afternoon will be spent in much the same way. But I will also continue scanning and then editing / touching up a group of unpublished photos from my collection. I am putting together a small gift for a very special person, who I think will appreciate them very much.

I've bought tickets to a literary event next Friday evening. I shall be going together with a very dear friend who I do not see that often since he and I live at opposite ends of the country. As luck would have it, the venue is pretty well much halfway for both of us, and we are both interested in the book that will be the subject of the evening's talk / Q&A session.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
My favourite sausages on yellow label - thank you very much, don't mind if I do. Add in a couple of half sized baguettes and that's this evening's meal sorted.

Saw someone who I knew from work that took early retirement a couple of weeks before I did (and for very similar reasons) and she stoppped me for a quick word. Which quickly turned into a mutual complaint session about the various pension problems caused by said employer and the joys of not being there any more. Glad for the break as that head wind was an absolute 8ugger today.

Second coffee has just been finished and I'm considering a short stroll if the rain holds off.
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