Mundane News

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Cool, grey and drizzly here chez Casa Reynard.

I slept well, but took me an age to drop off. Have had a busy morning dealing with assorted foodstuffs. The apples I picked on Saturday are now stored away, the blackberries I picked have been thoroughly washed to remove assorted bits of hedge and are dripping out in a colander, and the first lot are already in a tray in the freezer. If you open freeze them, they don't stick together in one big lump, which makes it easier for later. I have also been de-husking walnuts.

I do intend using these to make apple & blackberry jelly this week, but I have a lot of other things that need doing, so by freezing the fruit, it gives me a bit more elastic on the timing. Another corollary of this is that by freezing the fruit, it becomes sweeter to the taste.

This afternoon, I am popping round to a friend's to drop off her share of yesterday's yellow sticker bargains. She doesn't want the fish I bagged, but she does want all the tins of beans.

There is a twofold reason for this visit, as I am also going to be interviewing a prospective candidate for the position of Assistant SuPURRvisor. This friend fosters for the Siamese Cat Welfare Trust, and they've recently taken in a cat that may be a potential match for me, and so I am being given first dibs. If it doesn't work out, at least I'll have had some very nice cat cuddles.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and I has a hungry.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not sure where to put this as it could go in the cartoons but not quite right for there.
A cycle lane in Cork apparently.



All at sea⛵
I've driven across a large bit of Europe today
Wish the quality of driving matched the quality of the roads.
After being gone for nearly 20 years I realise some things
The Germans drive fast. Just some can and some can't
Belgians are sneaky. Sliding up non existent gaps when motorways go from 3 to 2 lanes.
French are generally terrified of pedestrians, pedestrian crossings, nervous of cyclists and cycle paths.

But tomorrow I'm back with the psychopaths


Itching to get back on my bike's
My working day is completed it's been a busy day.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
N-1 today with son no. 2's Argon TT bike heading off to Chile, then Brazil.

Possibly N-2 as someone is viewing his grasstrack bike as well later this evening.

To compensate I've started building the Raleigh SBDU frame into a bike. Then I realised the crankset and rear brake need to come back off as I'm using different parts instead :blink: .
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry morning but rain started early afternoon.
Had a turn down to the Main St just to get out of the house for a bit.
I know I do go on about the evils of mass tourism and today I think was worse than ever. In the past things should have quietened down by now.
Not one single parking spot was vacant and the blue badge spaces had vehicles with no blue badges displayed. One of the EV charging spots had a motorhome in it tho' I think the ones in the car park are currently not working.
Of course all these vehicles have passengers and all wandering around in the carriageway.
Tomorrow I will have to go to the chemist to collect a prescription and will just double park if necessary as no alternative.
It has reached the stage where I would leave if I could and I am not alone in expressing this.
Very depressing.


Legendary Member
Faffing around this morning didn't take as long as expected which gave me time to catch up with some of the coverage of the local Tour of Britain stage on some well known roads and to get extremely annoyed at the mispronunciation of Grundisburgh every time they mentioned the intermediate sprint.

Despite the cold & windy conditions I managed to get out for a couple of hours this afternoon - unfortunately misjudging the return time and getting caught up in the school run chaos.
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