Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
A great takeaway tonight with my parents, time to try and spot ourselves on the highlights of the men's tour of Britain.
I am the good looking one with a green t shirt on 😄
Had a lovely luncheon of a large roll filled with chicken, avocado and sriracha mayo. Plus an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Afterwards, went out to the local nature reserve to pick blackberries. To my horror, the farmer who rents part of the land to graze his livestock has flailed the hedgerows, so the lion's share of a huge crop has been completely ruined. I still managed to pick about a kilo, but it took me about an hour and a half to do that. I shall not be returning there to pick - instead, I will go up on the Hythe, where it's pretty well much bicycle access only.

Stopped off at the community orchard on the way home, and noticed that almost the whole crop of Cottenham Seedlings has been lifted since I was in there just a few days ago. Since they are a late season (keeping) culinary apple, I suspect that someone has made off with them to make cider. Ordinarily, you wouldn't want to pick these for at least another three weeks or so, and then you're supposed to store them for a couple of months prior to using.

Thankfully I always keep a couple of shopping bags in the car at this time of year, so I picked some from what was left behind. I've managed to get enough for my needs, but it's becoming a problem in the orchard where people get too greedy and strip the trees. And quite often, these are people coming in from outside the parish, along with ladders and large crates. :angry:

So just feeling a wee bit grumpy this evening.

But I had a lovely supper of a fish finger sandwich, followed by the last of the apple crumble and custard. :hungry:
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Leg End Member
My arm is out of the sling.
Sling slung?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A grey morning with no wind so far. Looks foggy eastwards but this top corner often escapes the worst of the weather.

Today we are told the last cruise liner of the season will appear to clutter up the street with gawkers.

Weird accounts some touroid give.
One lot came down from the camp site in the mountains above Tobermory to visit the whiskey place and liked the lovely smell of hops being brewed. :laugh:
A friend suggest it has been written by a computer programme.

Feeling a bit better after a good sleep aided by paracetamol.
On the health front I have bother with an arthritic knee which I have never so far as I remember mentioned recently on line. Why then am I suddenly deluged with adverts for knee supports?
Big Brother seems to have spies everywhere even if we do not know how they get information.
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