Mundane News

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A warm, sunny and breezy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and have had a quiet morning working on the writing. I've also labelled and put away the apple jelly I made yesterday. I am currently watching some ToB action - looks like the breakaway is about to be hoovered up. They're just dingle dangling off the front.

This afternoon's plan is to go for a bicycular bimble with purpose - to go and check out a walnut tree and see if there's any worthwhile furklage. Given the tree's location, there's nowhere safe to park, which makes a bike with luggage the perfect solution.

I've been messed around by another rescue regarding two cats I was interested in - this time a breed rescue. Everything started off so well and so promising, and then they go silent on me. The trouble is, this is one of those places where *they* decide who gets a particular cat. Fair enough, that's their prerogative, but you would think that they would have the courtesy of keeping ALL parties interested in a particulat cat or cats updated. So as a result, I've been left dangling for a fortnight, not having heard anything. I was told this morning via a friend that the cats had been rehomed, and NOT via the rescue. I am sick and tired of being messed around.

On the more positive front, another breed rescue has a cat coming in on Saturday that they have earmarked for me. Whether she'll be suitable, I've no idea, but I know that these people will not mess me around. The cat is being fostered by a very good friend, so I know I'll have the time and space to make the right decision.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Patient Transport, gah! Yesterday's 7pm discharge for my mother from hospital turned into a before 9pm discharge, rapidly followed by a from 9pm discharge. Gave up at midnight so they rang again at 1:50 this morning to say they now have an ambulance to bring her home. As I don't live there, I said let us all get some rest and rebook it for the morning. So they rang me again at 8am to say that they're rebooking now. She's still on the ward. And I'm 3/4 asleep after 2 mugs of coffee.
I have been trying to get patient transport to Paisley for the past 2 weeks. A supervisor was supposed to contact me but never did. This morning I got the call centre who said " I will send them an email just now". AARGH.
Still no contact and I suspect that if they ignore me they hope I will just go away and stop bothering them.:angry:


Making the most of this lovely sunny day, 2 loads of washing one all done other out on the line. Still had room so washed Charles bedding and that's now drying nicely. Had a nice afternoon local walk , once back :cuppa: and rest up.
Just had a nice hour in the garden making a start on planing the 1st lot of spring bulbs. What with one's at home and one's professionally I must have planted 1000's over the years.
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