Mundane News

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I'll bet today you're glad you don't live in the U.S. ;-(

Not just today, but generally.

Wish I didn't have to say that, as there's a lot about the US that I do like.
Trying to work out an itinerary to get everything done that I need to do tomorrow.

Made most of it. The copy shop wasn't, and the one that was couldn't read my stick, and told me it needed to be 'formatted'. As the reason I went is that our printer has randomly decided to expire, this was more than a little annoying.

I was able to buy a diary for 2025; I know it will still work at the end of the year and won't suddenly decide it's the wrong format and refuse to open in May.

I went to the phone company and got myself a 4g "Gigabox" hotspot. The technician who I spoke to asked why I wasn't using a normal system until he heard which town I live in. Apparently several villages are "Pretty awful" and the land-based connections barely make 16mb/sec on a good day.

I'm also now registered in Rottenburg, so I'm legal and insured when travelling to work, and Deutsche Bahn didn't manage to mess any of the connections up, meaning I had enough time to get the flat approaching habitable.

I switched on the Gigabox based internet connection, and remarkably it seems to be working.
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Spent the evening sketching. Time to put the art stuff away and go get some sleep.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:
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