Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Apparently, nearly all the shops in Tübingen are closed until 10:00. Is this because the students are asleep until then?

Lincoln in the UK is similar with a later opening times - it gives country folk time to travel.


Vice Admiral
The the compost bins have been disturbed again. The contents were scattered over two square yards.

I spoke to one of my neighbours. She is sure that there are badgers in the fields at the end of the garden.
Now there are three bricks in front of the little doors, and an assortment of small logs and twigs on the bricks.

If it is badgers, is that because they cannot dig for worms in very dry soil?
Had a lovely luncheon of a sandwich filled with salami cacciatore, plus an apple, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

Prepped 4lbs of apples to make apple & sage jelly. Another quarter tray or so that I don't need to worry about. The fruit is now currently simmering away slowly along with a big bunch of fresh sage. I will turn it off in about 10 mins or so before letting it cool some. I'll then transfer the cooked pulp to the jelly bag and let it drip out overnight.

Had a lovely bicycular bimble on Max the MTB, riding the gravel trail that goes from the bottom of the road here, takes you around the fields and drops you off on the outskirts of Littleport. Stopped on the way out to say hello to a shetland pony and two goats, and stopped on the way back to furkle for walnuts as I noticed corvids in the tree - not sure whether they were jackdaws or rooks, but both species have a "thing" for walnuts. I filled the pockets of my cycling jacket with the results of my furklage, and I shall be keeping a close eye on the tree as the crop ripens.

The cat has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Just spent over an hour putting up a wardrobe for mini ck 2 , door`s are on and work but not perfect but they will have to do for now as im tired and not in the mood to fiddle getting them right atm .


After assembling the tiered lamp stand it started raining. Consequently a 3 mile Screwfix trek turned out to an early evening venture, still with a touch of drizzie and rain until it finally died out.
Purpose was to collect an ordered in roll of T Rex waterproof tape. Good for variety of purposes including making stick on toe caps for scuffed cycling shoes
Called in at the Co-op on the return as I had noted Kellys ice cream was £3 and had the ice pack filled cool bag in the rucksack, honeycomb purchased.


Legendary Member
A mostly cloudy day after the bright start earlier, with some light drizzle late afternoon - annoyingly while I was still a couple of miles from home.
Other than the planned changing (and washing) of the bedding and a quick vacuum of the carpets, nothing else has been done today. I did have a look at dismantling the old chair, but there's way too many bolts and screws holding the mechanisms to work out how to do it. Thankfully the back slides out of the base and this makes the base light enough to carry fairly easily and to lift into a skip at the tip.
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