Mundane News

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Overcast morning with the odd sunny spell. Strange blue and white, and very smelly, hired in refuse truck quickly attended to the black wheelie bin.
Ebike to Lidl making use of a 20% off eggs voucher. A half price pack of lightbulbs picked up having first checked they would fit the new lamp.
Then into town where I found the Tesco Express overcharging as usual, compared to the Tesco web site, so no purchase made.
Strange problem with the self scan till in M&S, no barcode on the Lasagna. Resolved by the attendant exchanging it for one with a barcode.
Back home the bag to send my cycling glasses off for their lens to be changed finally arrived. Consequently a post office in the Co-op trek and a confirmation of postage obtained.
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Cool, grey and rather humid here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Have spent the morning doing some writing and swapping emails about motorsport research with a friend. You lot might know him as one of the voices of the ITV BTCC coverage. I've known him for almost thirty years. That's scary. I have also been watching some of the Tour of Britain coverage.

Not sure what the plans for the afternoon might entail, although I do need to check through the fruit in my apple store as the early varieties aren't keeping so well. I might well take the chance to prepare some fruit to make apple & sage jelly. My sage bush has done very well this summer after having been eaten by some cervid or other. My thinking is that it will be very nice to serve with pork.

I am thinking of undertaking a bicycular bimble this afternoon, but that will be dependent on the weather. There is rain forecast, and I would like to avoid it if possible.

It is almost time for luncheon.
Do you use a lot of potatoes? I find supermarket potatoes do not keep well and quickly turn soft and sprout after a week or perhaps two weeks. They are stored in a dark and cool cupboard.
We used to buy a large sackful direct from the farm and they kept ok for a long time.

I will probably share them with a friend.

I store my potatoes in a brown paper potato sack. If they start sprouting, I just rub the sprouts off. And yes, potatoes keep better when they're not washed.
When I got to retirement age and pretty much free public transport, I briefly considered riding on all London's buses. I then decided that would be a waste of at least a whole year. The number 1 bus, which runs fairly close to me, reminds me of this retirement project from time to time. And then the 453, which runs even closer to me, reminds me why I never started.

Back when I was an undergrad, a friend and I planned to circumnavigate London, staying entirely in Zone 6 and using nothing but buses. We ended up not doing it in the end, which I weirdly regret, but we had got all the routes and all the timetables and sorted out. There was only one bit that we had to do on foot, which was the pedestrian tunnel under the Thames.

FYI, we were at Brunel Uni in Uxbridge.


DHL turned up c 3.15 with the tiered lamp stand. Thought for a moment given the size of the box it was readilly assembled in part. Transpired only the light fitment was in its shelf. Not that difficult as its held together by 4 x 3 threaded rod sections with allen key bolts at either end.
Have you been to the "Library of Things"?

No . We did a lot of wandering around, went to a flea market, went to the museum. Did a lot more wandering around trying to find a place to eat. We eventually found somewhere. There are a lot of specialist type shops. There is a Boots , Smiths and Subway but otherwise strange shops .
I am shattered now. I got off the bus near Sainsbury's and bought a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine. It was about the best I could find.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mostly sunny with a light NE wind.
Supposed to be a rest day but never seemed to stop being busy at something until I had a seat in the sun after lunch for a rest as I get knackered so quickly nowadays.
General waste bin for landfill is out in the street so hopefully it will get emptied tomorrow. The relatively new bin lorry has been troublesome recently and some areas have not been getting bins emptied on time.
A bit like Calmac who seem to have a never ending stream of troubles tho’ today so far no problems are reported. A new ferry is supposed to be delivered at the end of this month but there could be teething troubles.
When MV Isle of Mull was delivered it was discovered she was light at the stern and a local contractor was persuaded to leave a heavy loaded trailer at the stern as the prop was too near the surface otherwise. She had to go back and get a midships section added which fixed the problem.
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