Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Got a phone call from the letting agent on Saturday:
Letting agent: Where are you? I'm waiting to give you the apartment keys
AinG: I thought that was tomorrow?
LA: I'm on holiday tomorrow. for two weeks.
AinG: (inaudible swearing) Um... sorry. I'll set off now, but it will take a while to get there...
LA: No worries, I'll leave the keys under the black bucket on the patio, collect them when you have time. You can leave it until Tuesday if you want.
AinG: Um... okay, will they be safe there?
LA: (Laughing) In that village? Sure they will, take your time, there's no rush.

I went anyway. They keys were indeed under a black bucket on the patio...

Sounds a nice place.
Grey, warm and humid here chez Casa Reynard, with some hit-and-miss rain forecast for later.

Slept reasonably well. Spent part of the morning in the kitchen, and I now have a large quantity of tomato sauce simmering away in the crock pot. In there went the last dented can of tomatoes that I picked up on YS a little while back, a large pink onion, two shallots, four cloves of garlic, a bay leaf, rosemary and thyme from the garden, plus some dried oregano, a vegetable stock cube, smoked paprika, black pepper, a glug of extra virgin olive oil and a load of ripe cherry tomatoes that were picked, rinsed, cut up and plopped into the crock pot along with everything else.

I have also done some writing, and have annotated my hardcopy manuscript for this particular project. Last night, while flicking through it at random, I noticed some continuity errors that will need to be addressed at the editing stage. So I've highlighted them and added some notes about exactly what kind of changes need to be made. This is one of the reasons why I print out every section or chapter I complete on a first draft on a larger project. Never mind that it's easier to reference stuff.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with parma ham, and the other with cream cheese jazzed up with shallot & chives, plus a nectarine, a Lord Peckover apple and two :cuppa:

Just had a bit of bum parkage, and now I'm going to toddle off walnutting.


Time to take the Dyson for walk over the floors. Then time for my afternoon walk about round the block, via the park to see how they are getting on removing 1/2 of a forked ash tree. That came down in the high winds , filling the garden of the house at the back. They've been slowly working back towards the garden. It's a shame really the tree looks a bit one sided now , it's a good age too at least 80 years. When they folk so low down it's always a weak point.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Got a phone call from the letting agent on Saturday:
Letting agent: Where are you? I'm waiting to give you the apartment keys
AinG: I thought that was tomorrow?
LA: I'm on holiday tomorrow. for two weeks.
AinG: (inaudible swearing) Um... sorry. I'll set off now, but it will take a while to get there...
LA: No worries, I'll leave the keys under the black bucket on the patio, collect them when you have time. You can leave it until Tuesday if you want.
AinG: Um... okay, will they be safe there?
LA: (Laughing) In that village? Sure they will, take your time, there's no rush.

I went anyway. They keys were indeed under a black bucket on the patio...

Sounds very like where I live. In the past we had a couple of dodgy characters but since everybody knew them they did not cause many problems and were often dealt with informally.
Trouble nowadays with so many incomers it becomes more difficult.
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