Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Another horrible wet and windy day.

I worked another long day. I'm sure the tax man will have a field day with all this overtime.

I've been trying to confirm this appointment with the private orthopaedic consultant. I have rung countless times, left voicemails and emailed but I've heard nothing back.

I am considering cancelling the hostel in Connemara. Friday afternoon is reasonable looking but the weather forecast for the other days is horrible with wind and rain. Oddly enough, the forecast for here is pretty good after Wednesday. I have until midnight to decide before it would cost me to cancel.
Low-Level Amber Rain Warning in place for the West Coast until 10am Tuesday. After which its supposed to clear up.
Had a lazy day yesterday watching / listening to too much motor racing - BTCC, Spa 4 hrs, F1.

Went and did the bank holiday yellow sticker lurk today. Reductions not especially generous - stingey even, according to the chap who was doing the fruit & veg markdowns. Still, some decent enough bargains to be had, so I can't complain too much.

Picked up a guineafowl, a roast-in-the-bag chicken, scallops, prawns, nocellara olives, spring greens, strawberries, raspberries, a wholemeal bread and three small bottles of extra virgin olive oil.

The guineafowl has gone straight into the freezer, and to carry on the theme of conversation, will probably end up being this year's Christmas dinner here chez Casa Reynard. Most likely after receiving a bacon jacket and having had sage & onion stuffing shoved up its bottom.

Speaking of which, they've started putting out the Christmas biscuit and chocolate selections in Tesco today. This involved messing around with the shelf layout, so cue much crashing, banging and clanging. And some amusement on my part while I waited for final reductions.

Stopped off at a new foraging spot on the way home, and picked two kilos of rowanberries. So there will be more jelly being made this week. I'm thinking that this jelly would be lovely to glaze a gammon with...
finally cut open the petrified pepper that was grilled for 9 hours
View attachment 742782
should have crumpled it up to a little pile of black dust

not much to look at but Wifey & I had fun crushing it
pepper dust 1.jpg

pepper dust 2.jpg


Rutland Water today to visit family and stay awhile
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk where the first coffee of the day has just been finished. I've got to do an early trip into town to drop some parcels off at the Post Office and then to get some milk. I should then be able to have some breakfast while I make my mind up as to what route out to take for lunch.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather back to normal high wind and pouring rain. Not umbrella weather as it would be inside out in a flash.
Visibility is less than half a mile and I notice my neighbour has taken his flagpole down so his forecast must be even worse than mine.
Good job I got some outdoor work done yesterday as no chance for the next few days.
I also took the opportunity of a dry day to check the car tyre pressures. Nearside front seems to lose a bit of pressure and needs to be topped up every month. Garage has no idea why this should be.
Screenwash should have been topped up but that can wait a bit yet.
Lots of things I should be doing indoors but cannot be bothered.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Right, kids returned home all in one piece. Several small crabs, one shrimp and 2 small fish found by the kids - they love a bit of rockpooling - and lots of seals over at Horsey Gap.

The most effective way of keeping the kids quiet in the back seat was to feed them ample portions of chips. (Other ways of tranquillising passengers may be available but there might be ethical issues.) For about an hour and a half there was almost total silence.
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