Mundane News

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Good morning from a bright, sunny and warm start to bank holiday Monday in Suffolk. Coffee has been had but I just can't get going this morning - possibly due to a poor night's sleep.

As I need to be at home this afternoon, I may go for a short circuit of Felixstowe by bike later this morning before the worst of the day trippers turn up and then give the grass a quick cut.

I wish day trippers here would give our grass a cut .


Aldi trek calling in at the Co-op on the return.
Unexpected Aldi centre isle purchase of a bag of Peckish no grow bird seed while the Co-op had vanilla Magnums at £2; this morning they gave me a 50p off voucher. The sun broke through the cloud on the homeward trek from the Co-op only to spark drizzle and then once home a brief heavier downpour.
finally cut open the petrified pepper that was grilled for 9 hours
pepper cut open jpeg.jpg

should have crumpled it up to a little pile of black dust


Itching to get back on my bike's
Rear lawn has been cut


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
It looks like your bones are recovering well.:okay:

Meanwhile, I'm getting packed for a night away. It's an experiment in how far 3 young grandchildren can go sitting in the back of a Honda Jazz without breaking into open warfare. We've got 150 miles to do. I think we'll need at least 2 stops.

If you pack the luggage around them so that they cannot move it reduces the warfare.


Legendary Member
The hour out on the bike this morning was just what was required to blow the fuzzyness out of my head. Loads of walkers and cyclists enjoying the quiet time before it got busy in the Felixstowe area. Since then the carpets have been vacuumed, the kitchen floor steam mopped, the grass has been cut, some other gardening done, the gas cylinders have been exchanged for cash and - most importantly - an ice cream has been had as a treat.

The only hitch during the afternoon was getting a call from my mum as my stepfather had been unwell (he's susceptible to water infections) and collapsed while being helped to the toilet. I was needed to move their car off the drive in case an ambulance was required, but by the time I got there he'd recovered enough to climb into bed and mum was awaiting a call back from the NHS 111 service/consultant. I've not heard back yet so can't have been too serious (I hope).

I think I may head out for a short stroll before tea.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I didn't know it was a Bank Holiday today! They didn't advertise it very well.

When I went out with the dog this morning, I'd forgotten. Halfway round & noting that all the people I'd met were non regulars, I decided to turn it into a long walk. Ended up ~4.5 miles. Cassie is currently asleep on the settee with her tongue sticking out.

I keep dozing off between posts.
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