I remember in my early years in Germany, ca 2001-2002 we watched an old Bavrian farmer and his wife harvesting potatoes: they were on a rather ancient machine towed by a tractor, sorting out the spuds as the machine dug them up. As they approached the end of the field the farmer got off, walked to the tractor, and took the rope off the steering wheel. Then he turned the contraption around, pointed it back up the field, reattached rope, waited for the tractor to pass and climbed on the harvester, then carried on sorting potatoes with his wife.
Definitely vintage. Production stopped in 1956 although there are still a few around in regular use.
Designs vary but it would be some sort of harvester. A potato spinner is basically a big wheel with tines that basically scatter the drill and the potatoes are then picked up from the ground by hand.
We had a regular gang of casuals who came to the the farm for just that. In addition to getting paid cash they also got a “ boiling “ of spuds every working day to take home.
Tattie picking, it's a long time since I've done that!
I remember we got a “ tattie holiday “ from school supposedly to go doing just that. It was I think a hang over from war time when there were fewer adults available since as many as possible were on war work.
No idea it this was done in city schools but in semi rural Maddiston it was certainly done.
We had a regular gang of casuals who came to the the farm for just that. In addition to getting paid cash they also got a “ boiling “ of spuds every working day to take home.