Mundane News

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A very mixed day from a weather point of view. Sunny one minute, pouring the next.

I had a very nice afternoon at vintage tractor working day despite the weather. I really should buy a plough for my Dexta although I have always had a suspicion there is something not quite right with the draft control.

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I had a go at steering a Showman's traction engine. I almost ran over my Metro. My boss at the time decided to buy one. We didn't believe it until one turned up on a low loader.
Morning .
It is sunny here. Yesterday morning we had a lot of rain. Georgie our cat kept going out and coming back in so that I could towel him dry.
A bit down in the dumps yesterday. A bit of a shock having to go to see the Urology peeps again. Bad enough feeling tired and not been able to get out on a bike was bad enough. It all seems a bit odd after I had set a new fast time on my bike when going over to see my brother and then doing some gardening the same week ! It was lopping down a dead elm tree. I consider that gardening! I even managed to climb a hill which I normally walk up a week later. My batteries must be getting old and don't hold a charge well. :wacko:


Legendary Member
I had a go at steering a Showman's traction engine. I almost ran over my Metro. My boss at the time decided to buy one. We didn't believe it until one turned up on a low loader.

I love traction engines but it would need a lot of money, knowledge and TLC. Maybe one day I'll get round to getting that Mamod I always wanted!

It amazes me how often you find girls driving them at shows nowadays.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cannot see the other side of the Sound due to a scotch mist. Not actually raining but just wet.

Later I must go and visit my wildlife pal as not been for a while and he has been busy with outdoor things like sheep dog trials and events involving guns.

Do old grey Fergies count as vintage yet?
I remember working with them and we had a petrol/paraffin one as well as a diesel. No cabs or any such nonsense so elfin safety would have a paloorie nowadays.
My software is convinced I mean ferries so I have to keep a careful watch on what actually appears. :rolleyes:


Itching to get back on my bike's
It looks like your bones are recovering well.:okay:

Meanwhile, I'm getting packed for a night away. It's an experiment in how far 3 young grandchildren can go sitting in the back of a Honda Jazz without breaking into open warfare. We've got 150 miles to do. I think we'll need at least 2 stops.

They are thanks.

Good luck with the 150 mile journey


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's a very sunny start to the day. Coffee has been had but the breakfast cereal decision has yet to be made.
Absolutely nothing to do today apart from possibly changing the bedding, so a bike ride will be taken later with plenty of motorsport to be recorded and watched over the course of the day.
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