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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Then at lunchtime, I get a call that went precisely as follows: This is an automated call. The bank reports unauthorized activity on your account for a sum of X and a sum of Y. To find out more, please press 1.

At that point, I hung up. The message didn't say which bank or which account, so I strongly suspect it is more than likely an attempt at a scam. I've made a note of the details in the phone call, and shall be double checking things anyway. We have had no further calls. In my experience with the bank fraud teams, they call you directly (not an automated call) and will mention the bank name and what the transactions are - as I found out last year when I tried buying something from a Bay of E seller in Latvia.

I've been getting those calls for weeks. It uses a spoof number which isn't real unfortunately. I called one back as it appeared to be a business and the poor lady had received loads of worried callers (I suggested she changed her answerphone message to "it was a scam call" and went out).
I've been getting those calls for weeks. It uses a spoof number which isn't real unfortunately. I called one back as it appeared to be a business and the poor lady had received loads of worried callers (I suggested she changed her answerphone message to "it was a scam call" and went out).

I very rarely get scam / nuisance calls thank goodness. But some of them really do make you wonder... You can see how easy it is to fall for such stuff.

The lack of specifics in terms of *which* bank was the alarm bell. If they'd mentioned either one or the other, I'd have been either a) straight to the online chat or b) moseyed up in person to the nearest branch.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Woke early this morning and decided to go on a walk. A number of years ago I'd been on a National 3 Peaks walk but hurt my knee coming down Ben Nevis, then exacerbated it coming down Scafell Pike. As a result I bailed the Yr Wyddfa / Snowdon walk in case I couldn't complete it (today convinced me I'd have had to be rescued as the knee looked like a football after the second peak). I'd told myself that one day I would try the last peak again, but almost ten years had passed and I'd still not attempted the climb.

Having seen several individuals from the group I was with recently share their memories of a successful completion of all three it irked, particularly as a publication last month celebrated their achievements when there were others who took part and weren't included despite us all helping to raise money for a particular cause.

So ... at 6am I drove to Yr Wyddfa / Snowdon on a whim, with small rucksack that had some water / food / shower jacket and long sleeve jersey plus a spare pair of socks and shoes. The car was parked at Nant Peris nearby and I caught the Sherpa bus to the pass and back to the car.

Then around 9.45 I started up the Pyg Track to the top, reaching the peak around 11.20. There was a lot of cloud cover towards the top, so no real photo from up there except at the marker.




Photo taken (there's one of me but you don't need scaring :okay: - Strava link to see that I'm inappropriately dressed for such a climb!), quick coffee/cake at the train station and a walk down the Llanberis Path as it would be easier on my knee which has never really recovered. Lunch was then had in Llanberis around 1.30pm.


And that's the three peaks now done.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
<yawn >


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain again but no wind. This conned me into going out to read my electricity meter so got a bit damp.
It does not look like improving either but I must remember to go out to the library this morning.

I envy those picking brambles as the ones here are still green and hard. Mostly the ones I have seen are at ground level so not very handy for me to pick if they ever ripen.
I tend to leave ones at dog leg lifting level and the last time I did a higher pick I got lots of ticks. Can't win.
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