Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Back from a 100 km ride. My second fastest apparently. Those winds have to be put to use!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hazy sunshine most of the day but still a bit of rain and a cold wind. Had a short walk and got rained on. Watched a small coaster heading up the Sound which is fairly calm but once they get out beyond Ardnamurachan things will be a bit different.

Car booked into garage to fix the MOT advisory and check a strange mild shudder when braking from high speed.

While down there I managed to park facing the marina where the number of yachts has fallen quite a bit. I noticed some heading off for Loch Sunart which has a few nice anchorages which in the past had very few boats anchored overnight. I suspect many do not have the confidence in their gear to anchor and prefer to pay to tie up in a floating caravan park. I can see from my front window a very nice anchorage which used to be well used pre marina but this year I think only one or possibly two boats used it.


Winds dropped this evening so the ebike had a visit to Sainsburys. Sole purchase a bag of oranges for 75p. Bananas were that delightful assortment of very green or really needed eating earlier today. Cycle track that has glass on it was instead occupied by a very large boulder; quite where it had come from I could not work out.
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