Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
And now I am.


Legendary Member
It's stopped raining. :ohmy:

Morning perambulation completed without getting wet.

Soon be time to start another long day at work.

In other news, my toilet seat hinge has broken. It always was a load of cheap plastic rubbish that always came loose.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Seems a bit strange the sun is actually shining just now tho' I can seen rain on the other side of the Sound.
Anything would be an improvement after yesterday which was about the worst wind/rain I have ever experienced.
Felt a bit cold at night so definitely getting autumnal and my arthritic knee has decided to make it's presence felt.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey and windy Suffolk. Coffee was being drunk while a short but heavy rain band passed through a little while ago. It looks like it will stay dry for the rest of the day so the car will get washed & polished later on.

Also had an email from my sister with a picture from her latest short break abroad - looks like she picked just the right time to go.
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