Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Came via e-mail

Would you use it?


Another post,Son got his quote for the roof,now this money came off the price of the house after it was pointed out you do it or the sale gets cancelled or we do it after you reduce the price.They reduced the price.The work is a fantastic low price,Son has made some serious dosh.Roofer comes tomorrow weather permitting well it is Manchester.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Weather seems to have got steadily worse all day and the wind direction must have changed a bit as my letterbox flap has started rattling. More ferry sailings cancelled.
Tomorrow is Oban Games with a march through the town which was ok in the past but now will cause chaos. Got caught once but I know some useful back roads to avoid the main streets. Tesco seemed to run their car park in those days as they had guards at the entrance to discourage non shoppers going to the games. We were on our way home and genuine shoppers but had to argue our way in.


Meeting at work yesterday and the fat continuing to hit the fan wih the new employer trying to work out how to merge seven teams into three with seven different incompatible computer systems. The simple solution of moving everyone to a new system actually designed for the 2020s rather than 1980s seems to have been overlooked. ITs solution seems to hang on a change to W11 from W10 so we were told yesterday some of us would get a W11 laptop to try ITs idea out. Transpired today the some was singular and turns out to be me💻🔨


Leg End Member
Since I started taking Amlodipine and Doxazosin I constantly feel very tired. Even a simple walk to the town centre shops feels like a good workout. Just have taken a shower and I'm tired even after that.
Makes me to appreciate my non-physical job even more (among other things why I like it).
Inside, in that nice warm hut on the cold winter night shifts. With the wind blowing through any crack it finds...


All at sea⛵
My mundane life means I have an unexpected day off.
I'm 200 miles from home.

Tomorrow I have a job 30 miles from here. Too far to go home and come back. Certainly for a 30 min job.

Kicking my heels.

Tried a lie in, woke at 0730.
Read all my emails
Even tidied my address book. Do people know if you delete them or out them in the "X" folder. X means you've moved on in my world.
Cleaned up my browsing history.

All too mundane.

Well, I've frittered away a day in Cardiff. Driving around looking at things that were there 60 years ago.

I grew up here and went to UNI here. But the miserable twerps won't let me use my English bus pass. Hence the driving around.
I speak better Welsh than they do. Also some of the translations are weird.

We won't mention culture

When I was here in the 60s it had a certain grace, an old lady who'd fallen on hard times but still had standards.
That's long gone today, it is dire at so many levels.

Then there is amazing cycling infrastructure. But there are also the 1 m wide red tarmacked suicide lanes along the gutter! Painting a picture of a bike on the road does not make it safe for cyclists.
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