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Leg End Member
Er, no they don't. LNER runs to Leeds on the East Coast Mainline then you have to get a Northern Rail connection to Bradford followed by another Northern Rail to Sheffield. Much simpler to do LNER to Leeds or Doncaster then Northern Rail to Sheffield - trust me I've spent way too much time looking.
08:40 this morning.


Legendary Member
I'm wondering if there's some Yorkshire in my family history. When I went to pay a deposit for the chair, I realised I'd left my phone at home and the card that gets me a 20% discount on train tickets was in the cover meaning I'd have to pay the full fare home. Rather than doing that I biked the 12 miles back saving all of £6.90.


Legendary Member

Interesting - I wonder if they are re-positioning services or something similar as, having had a look on the LNER web site, there are two LNER services from Leeds to Bradford (19:00 & 21:07) and two in the other direction (06:30 and 08:43) with everything else being Northern services. Still of bugger all use to me though.


Legendary Member
The sofa decision has almost certainly probably been made. The latest option meets all my criteria - it's over 180cm/6 foot between the arms giving a decent snoozing space, it fits through the living room door, has a split base getting it into the hallway through the front door simpler and (most importantly) costs less than a grand in the specification I want. One final visit is required to double check whether to go for the light or dark fabric and then the order will be placed.

One final decision has been made on a recliner armchair which was on sale and a deposit has been paid. As benefits an old man, it's got a motorised option so I don't even have to make an effort to release a latch or move a lever.
Had a lovely luncheon of salami on toast made from crusty bloomer, plus a Lord Peckover apple with a chunk of Manchego cheese, some raspberries and two :cuppa:

Two kilos of greengages are now sitting in a preserving pan along with an equal weight of sugar. Tomorrow afternoon, that lot will be turned into jam.

Dropped the YS bits off at a friend's place, and then stopped at the community orchard on the way home. Sampled two mid-season varieties I'm fond of in order to see how they were coming along. One is just about ripe, the other still needs a little while. So another visit, this time with a basket, is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

More toast for supper to use up the bread. This time with crab sticks and sliced avocado, and topped with chilli mayo. Oh, and the inevitable :cuppa: of course.

Currently watching the Champions League highlights.
dunno what all that is, but I'm sure it's yummy

Both are varieties of plum.

Greengages are green, round and honey-sweet. Also known as Reine Claudes. Damsons are a purple-skinned culinary plum. Some also have purple flesh while others have green - mine are the latter type. You can't eat damsons as is since they are too astringent, but they are fabulous for puddings and preserves.
I'm on to Robert Palmer, but still in the garden ... bit nippy to be fair.


Leg End Member
Interesting - I wonder if they are re-positioning services or something similar as, having had a look on the LNER web site, there are two LNER services from Leeds to Bradford (19:00 & 21:07) and two in the other direction (06:30 and 08:43) with everything else being Northern services. Still of bugger all use to me though.
Been running for the last five years at least. They're building a new platform for an increase in services. Platform 0, they don't want to renumber the existing four.

Cuts out Leeds Station around Holbeck Junction, somehow.
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