Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I wonder if grooms are allowed in the mens' toilets.

With a bridle path between the two? Note that is bridle not bridal!


Vice Admiral
My mundane life means I have an unexpected day off.
I'm 200 miles from home.

Tomorrow I have a job 30 miles from here. Too far to go home and come back. Certainly for a 30 min job.

Kicking my heels.

Tried a lie in, woke at 0730.
Read all my emails
Even tidied my address book. Do people know if you delete them or out them in the "X" folder. X means you've moved on in my world.
Cleaned up my browsing history.

All too mundane.

I need to tidy up my address book. Some of the pages are full of contacts I no longer need. Some are in pencil, so I could erase them easily.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Gales have arrived.
I subscribe to the Calmac text messaging service to keep an eye on ferry movements particularly if I am planning a trip off. Can be a bit annoying at times by going on about the bl——g obvious.
The 1215 from Oban has been cancelled due to bad weather but wait 5 minutes and another comes in stating that the scheduled return from Craignure has also been cancelled.
OTOH some of the dimwits we get would need to be told.
In the days when I was dressed respectably for work with tie and sports jacket I was stopped by a group in the street. No idea why they picked on me but I must have looked respectable.
“ Where are we?”
“ Tobermory”
“ Can’t be as a ferry took us to Tobermory and then we got on a bus to here”
They had no idea of geography or where they were. Not entirely typical but we do get them.
Gales have arrived.
I subscribe to the Calmac text messaging service to keep an eye on ferry movements particularly if I am planning a trip off. Can be a bit annoying at times by going on about the bl——g obvious.
The 1215 from Oban has been cancelled due to bad weather but wait 5 minutes and another comes in stating that the scheduled return from Craignure has also been cancelled.
OTOH some of the dimwits we get would need to be told.
In the days when I was dressed respectably for work with tie and sports jacket I was stopped by a group in the street. No idea why they picked on me but I must have looked respectable.
“ Where are we?”
“ Tobermory”
“ Can’t be as a ferry took us to Tobermory and then we got on a bus to here”
They had no idea of geography or where they were. Not entirely typical but we do get them.

Next time say Lerwick, or Glasgow.
A very blustery and mostly overcast day here chez Casa Reynard. Definitely feels autumnal, although when the sun does come out, it is pretty warm if you're in a sheltered spot.

Slept well, though it took me a while to drop off. Spent the morning in the company of a friend and her dogs, mooching around the local playing fields. She has agreed to take on some of the bits I picked up on YS last night, so I shall go and drop those by later. Stopped off at the book exchange, and picked up three vintage cookery books and a brand harry spankers kiddies reference book, the latter of which will make a nice little christmas gift for a friend's ankle biter.

The agenda for this afternoon is prepping the greengages I picked last week so that I can turn them into jam tomorrow. I will wash, stone and quarter them, and then add the prepared fruit to an equal weight of sugar and leave it overnight.

The lack of greengages this year isn't as much of an issue as it might have been, as for the first time in a few years, I have a very good crop of damsons. Ergo I will also be making damson jam. I will however, need to get the pruning pole out of the garage to pick them, as the fruit is right at the top, and well, I can't reach. The tree is too slender to lean a ladder up against it, and I have no desire to be in the running for a Darwin Award.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
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