Mundane News

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Morning it is a bit wet here although not raining at the moment.

Georgie has had his breakfast . He stayed in for a while before going out . Had a few strokes and started to play with his wooden doll before sitting on it and having a wash. At least he recognised it as his toy.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Nice sunny morning when I wakened this morning but by the timeI had breakfast it was raining again. Currently dry but black clouds looming.
Really must start clearing stuff out but not sure what to do with most of it.
I have a lot of bike related bits and pieces as well as camping gear which I will never use. Too good to dump but there is no market locally for it. The charity shop may take some I suppose.
Some I could put on line for sale but packaging is a bit of a problem tho' I do have a lot of used padded envelopes and cardboard boxes of various sizes but first I need to discard the junk.
Nice sunny morning when I wakened this morning but by the timeI had breakfast it was raining again. Currently dry but black clouds looming.
Really must start clearing stuff out but not sure what to do with most of it.
I have a lot of bike related bits and pieces as well as camping gear which I will never use. Too good to dump but there is no market locally for it. The charity shop may take some I suppose.
Some I could put on line for sale but packaging is a bit of a problem tho' I do have a lot of used padded envelopes and cardboard boxes of various sizes but first I need to discard the junk.

Scuttle the cruise ship and they will be clocking to your door ! :whistle:


Itching to get back on my bike's
They just showed another space rocket going up spectacularly. Not vertically but exploding.
We used to have a space rocket programme which never had a failure and launched one satellite which is still orbiting . As usual it was cancelled by one of our governments!

Just remember to keep recycling to save the planet, whilst other idiots try and send a rocket , I wonder what will have the greater effect on the o zone layer


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dry but cloudy Suffolk. Having a very lazy start to the day - I've been awake for a couple of hours and only bothered to get up to make coffee an hour ago.
A trip into town for this week's food will be required later, but other than that there's nothing that needs to be done unless I get bored enough to do some domestics.
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