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need to get out of bed!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The vessels are suffering from old age and new ones have been delayed in delivery which is a can of worms better passed over as it would get moved to the political arena.
In addition the fleet is overworked with the infestation of touroid which could not really have been forseen.
In fact we have a better service than we ever had but the number of passengers is out of control. Generally management does the best it can and the workforce is always praised but breakdowns do happen.
Talking to a neighbour recently she would like to move away due to the overcrowding here and there are many others who are sick of the touroid.
Looking at the FB pages for other islands we are not alone in suffering.

In The States, the National Trust for Historic Places could get involved. I live near Route 66, and get both Lincoln and Route 66 tourists, but I am not on a Scottish Island, which I would think would be a great deal more fragile, both environmentally and culturally. I have no right to a political opinion in this, so I will stop here, but it seems to me that cruise ship companies need to be reined in a bit in this case.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
In The States, the National Trust for Historic Places could get involved. I live near Route 66, and get both Lincoln and Route 66 tourists, but I am not on a Scottish Island, which I would think would be a great deal more fragile, both environmentally and culturally. I have no right to a political opinion in this, so I will stop here, but it seems to me that cruise ship companies need to be reined in a bit in this case.

Cruise ships invite a sweary reply which I will refrain from giving. One recent example disgorged ashore more than the resident population of the town and this was on top of all the others in cars and motorhomes.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dreadful day of rain pouring heavily.
On the good side the car passed the MOT with one advisory which is wear on rear brake discs but can wait till I get my hospital appointments sorted out.
The first one has to be rescheduled due to timing not suiting Patient Transport so now I wait and see what comes next. The call centre for PT I think is designed to tell patients to just go away and either get there on hands and knees or drop dead.
Does this sound like I am not impressed with their service?
Cruise ships invite a sweary reply which I will refrain from giving. One recent example disgorged ashore more than the resident population of the town and this was on top of all the others in cars and motorhomes.

the city of Kyoto has recently banned tourists from the centre.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
1st day back at work in 8 weeks following surgery and hols , i saw the physio who has put me on 25% work on 2 jobs that dont involve lifting so 30 mins every 2 hours then im pootling around doing battery changes for other vehicles etc .
I will be assessed in a couple of weeks to see what job elements i can do long term to make sure i dont aggravate the hand any further .
This assessment can be a slippery slope so i have to be careful as some people have been fast tracked to redundancy pay out if they feel you cant do the job even if they have other stuff you can do.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Call from a doctor I had never heard of before. “ you phoned us about an x ray” .
Did I but no recollection of it? I then remembered I had a knee x ray some time ago and heard nothing back.
It seems I have moderate arthritis of the knee but cycling should be good for it and I have good muscle development in that area anyway due to cycling.
All I need now is for the bl—-y rain to stop for long enough to get out on the trike.
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