- Location
- A parallel reality
Blackberries picked. Roast chicken dinner eaten. Son and grandson waved off on their return trip to Devon. Time for a 💤 in front of the tv
That was interesting. I'm watching a film on Talking Pictures TV The Small Back Room. It just showed a scene from Stonehenge. It looked different as some of the stones were still lying down. Apparently it was restored in 1958.
Absolutely not! Along with someone called Ed Sheeran, I can honestly say that I've never heard anything 'sung' by the Swift person.
I was just talking to my wife . Yes I know it's a rare event!I was saying that I can remember getting off a bus and walking back home when my mum said that they had finally paid off the money for our house and it was theirs. I must have been at the age when my mum still picked me up from school so I was thinking about 7 or 8. So We assume that my parents must have taken out a mortgage just after the war. I can remember the day being sunny as we walked back.
Isn't it strange how I can remember all that far back but can't remember what I had for tea sometimes!![]()
Afternoon snoozes are great,some of mine begin at 11-00.Snooze has been snoozed 👌