Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Whoop whoop all my missing pictures have appeared on my phone


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey day and a terrible forecast for several days. Bad enough to get sheep dog trials cancelled later this week.
I remember going to trials near Golspie with the whole family when a bus was laid on from Lairg and it was a hugh event.
Car should be off for an MOT this morning but it has so far not moved.
I need to try to sort hospital appointments and Patient Transport which I suspect are not compatible. The system only runs within specified times of day and I suspect I will be too late to get taken back unless the appointments cn be brought forward which I doubt.
Driving to Paisley is nowadays a nightmare and yesterday [or the day before] there was a 6 vehicle accident about where I would be driving .


Mundane beyond.
I'm in Wales, sans velo. Stuck with car.

What on earth is the urban speed limit?
When is a 30 a 20?
What moron decreed that repeater signs will not be used?
How do I know if I'm inside a 20 zone and missed the sign at an entry point?

Do 20 seems a solution but that does seem to aggravate members of the community. Would they be happier if they turned their baseball caps so the peak is at the front?

Later posts might engage the street parking farce. The signs are bilingual and totally confusing in either language
Nothing much achieved today.
Went for a short walk and then sat in my garden for a while as the sun was shining but had to be sheltered as the wind was cold.
Deer have been getting in but cannot see any obvious entry point.The heads of some flowers have been snipped off which is typical deer snacking.
CalMac have been sending multiple text messages regarding the ongoing sewage problems as the boat is operating on a sailing by sailing basis with no certainty of travel. This means the alternative Lochaline route is overloaded and doing extra runs to try to keep things moving.
Also been corresponding with DIL regarding my hospital transport. Son is due home on the day of my appointment which is no help and he is off to Wales to some cycle event the following week.
Thr problems of getting old and decrepit.

CalMac seems to be the source of a lot of local transport woes. Is it because of management or just inadequate finance? I can imagine trying to maintain a fleet that's appropriate for the whole year would be challenging with the massive tourist influx, but my impression is that some of the routes are offline more than they're online.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
CalMac seems to be the source of a lot of local transport woes. Is it because of management or just inadequate finance? I can imagine trying to maintain a fleet that's appropriate for the whole year would be challenging with the massive tourist influx, but my impression is that some of the routes are offline more than they're online.

The vessels are suffering from old age and new ones have been delayed in delivery which is a can of worms better passed over as it would get moved to the political arena.
In addition the fleet is overworked with the infestation of touroid which could not really have been forseen.
In fact we have a better service than we ever had but the number of passengers is out of control. Generally management does the best it can and the workforce is always praised but breakdowns do happen.
Talking to a neighbour recently she would like to move away due to the overcrowding here and there are many others who are sick of the touroid.
Looking at the FB pages for other islands we are not alone in suffering.
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