Mundane News

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Hong Kong

big complicated set of tasks I don't want to do :cry: thinking I will put them off until after lunch :whistle:


Half day trip to see dad in Nottingham. Southbound wasn't too bad aside from the continuing Wentbridge viaduct works on the A1, resolved with a rat run, and the M1 being 50 almost immediately joining it off the M18 all the way to 28, the A38.
His laptop is painfully slow so set defrag running on it, think it could be some hours...
Northbound return was painful. The 50 on the M1 was a predictive target only for large stretches that were crawling or stationary. Decided to stay on the M1 to avoid Wentbridge only to find the 50 continued a fair way north of the M18 turning. The idea to rejoin the A1(M) via the M1 was quashed by another stretch of hopefully 50 but actually crawling or stationary. Turned off onto the A63 and surprisingly, given time was 4.30, not too much problem getting out of Leeds on the A61.
Got home to find the seed feeder on the lawn and a broken anti 🐿️ baffle. Seems that the fixing bolt had come undone in the wind.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Early afternoon the sun appeared and wind got stronger.
Had a bad reaction to my breakfast I think and got severe gastric pains so resorted to peptac which seemed to fix it. Very tired tho’ I slept well enough with the usual strange and vivid dreams which I have now mostly forgotten so had an extra nap in the morning.
After lunch took some stuff back down to the car and that is about all I have managed today.
Nearly forgot but I also went up to my old garden shed and brought the seat for the ICE trike down to the house.
I need to sort the bike store and get the trike down to the house for the winter even if it is only August.
Had a lovely Ploughman's Lunch for luncheon - crusty french stick, cheddar, autumn fruit chutney, and then a rather large Lord Peckover apple. Oh and two :cuppa: of course.

Been busy all afternoon, and have only just sat down with a :cuppa:

The rowan & apple jelly is banging. Only have three tiddly jars. I sense that I will be raiding the rowan trees in the car park at the quack after the weekend...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Kirkpatrick C2C Day 3 is done, and the route finished. There was another group also on a 3-day ride but with a support van so they didn't carry much.

Today was very wet, then showery, finishing in sunshine. Photo 1 is a bridge at Dryburgh, which was bouncy to ride over, plus some "muses" in a rain shower:


Disappointingly there was no official 'finishing point' sign, so I found something that will have to do, plus a celebratory ice cream:


Dinner was in the next village, with scampi & chips, and I've a train to catch tomorrow morning.


Just had a text from my mobile phone provider.i am now out of contract and need to renew.Options continue with my plan A32 5g Samsung Galaxy phone,cost £9-96 per month.Go to a new provider or get a new phone.So i have just looked at phones.Ha ha ha ha ha ha.since O2 took over i think the prices have gone way above my pocket,i guess i will stay with the A32 and £9-96 a month.It is a no brainer.
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