Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Another day of work over and I had some of the leftover curry from last night.

I had an hour to work up this evening as I had popped out to the arts festival office to leave back the last of the their stuff and I was given a gift set from the local brewery as a thank you for my volunteering services. Very much appreciated and I now have a nice glass, oddly enough 330ml even though their beer comes in 500ml bottles. I can add it to all the other glasses I have in my cupboard. Not sure what I need them all for as nobody ever visits me.

I suspect rain may occur in the not too distant future. I really should go for a ride but the recent COVID event seems to have zapped my energy. I will read something.
Half-pint glass?


Leg End Member
Doesn't seem to have been taken into consideration.


Legendary Member
Germans think I'm weird because I drink tap water.

Actually, now I think of it, people think I'm weird for a whole stack of reasons, but tap water is a German-Specific one.
That wouldn't be because the Germans prefer their tap water prepared under Reinheitsgebot rules would it?
The rowan berries and some Thodays Quarrenden apples are currently cooking away, accompanied by allspice berries and cassia bark*. When that's all cooked to a pulp, I'll put the lot in a jelly bag and leave it to drip out overnight.

Decided to change things up and do it Scandi style. If it's nice, there are other rowan trees in the car park at the quack.

* cassia bark is cinnamon, but it is the outer bark of the tree, not the inner bark that forms the familiar curled sticks. Flavour is the same if a little earthier, but the big plus is that it doesn't fall apart when cooking.
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