Mundane News

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Leg End Member
My cold day four. Mrs thinks it’s Covid because I went to the hospital for a blood test last week. I don’t think so but my thoughts don’t count. All the Covid testers were put in the bin last month as way out of date. Cold is now subsiding and there is an exclusion zone around me.
What you need is summat like this!

You'll stay dry(ish) outside in the rain. Folk will avoid you/wonder what you're doing, and should you get on a bus or train, you'll be given plenty of room.
Supermarkets, ailses just empty before you and you should breeze through checkouts.


The wet stuff started to fall this morning once the ebike was out of the bike shed so quickly returned. Maybe a touch hasty in that as it seemed to stop, but using the car did remind me its fuel gauge was too far to the left. 30 litres of the expensive stuff put in it.
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I thought the sinus headaches and gunged up head of the past few days were just another episode of my chronic sinusitis that I've struggled with for the past few years and thought no more of it.

I was going to go home and do a few DIY tasks for my parents this morning, so on a whim, I bought a COVID test kit when I was out this morning. My dad has a very bad chest and definitely in the at risk group.

The test is positive. Looks like I've succumbed to the dreaded COVID for a second time. :sad:

Probably explains why I've felt so utterly rubbish Thursday Evening and all day yesterday.

I feel more or less normal today too. :sad:


My neighbours put their two bikes on the back of their Golf using one of those strapped on racks but they cover the number plate and the lights in the process. They also have it it fitted in such a way that the thing is putting pressure on the rear window. Surely that can't be a good idea.

I'd expect two bikes would go inside a Golf with the front wheels off.

I have a rack like that somewhere. I bought it to use with the 205 but never used it as I just don't trust it. A trial fitting made me feel it wasn't very secure. Maybe I just over-think it and all the things that could go wrong.

I think either put them inside the car or else fit a towbar and use a quality rack


Legendary Member
Ebay parcels have been dropped of at the Post Office with a short extended ride into town to enjoy the warmth, one load of washing done and on the whirlygig to dry (should be ready to bring in very soon) and book ordered with additional discount for locker pick-up.
I won't even have to battle the football traffic on taxi duties as Ipswich Town's friendly is a 12:30 kick off and we need to be there before 14:45.
Cool and grey here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but feel really bleurgh. I have a headache and am snotty again - I thought I'd got over my attack of the sniffles earlier in the week, but obviously not. I may well do another covid test at some point, as I need to go shopping on Monday.

I have watered all the planters though, and have done a good bit of writing. Also been watching the action from Paris.


My neighbours put their two bikes on the back of their Golf using one of those strapped on racks but they cover the number plate and the lights in the process. They also have it it fitted in such a way that the thing is putting pressure on the rear window. Surely that can't be a good idea.

I'd expect two bikes would go inside a Golf with the front wheels off.

I have a rack like that somewhere. I bought it to use with the 205 but never used it
Mine has never been out on the car moving, it also results in the lights and numberplate getting covered. See plenty like that but expect a blue flashing light behind me if I did.
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