Idly browsing online furniture shops as I'm thinking about a new sofa. Why don't more show the internal measurement between armrests so I can work out if they are big enough for me to have a comfortable lie down snooze?
Idly browsing online furniture shops as I'm thinking about a new sofa. Why don't more show the internal measurement between armrests so I can work out if they are big enough for me to have a comfortable lie down snooze?
We bought one which was comfy and large enough to lie down on. The only question they asked was had we ever had any problems getting one into the house before. When It arrived It turned out that it wouldn't fit through a conventional door! We had to store it in a neighbour's garage and get someone to remove our front window to get it in.
When we moved years later I un did the covering at the back and cut through the frame and folded it up. It was still a struggle to get it out.
I fitted steel plates inside it to hold it together.