Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Back from our walkies on just under 4 miles. Tea & a bacon bap for me & a sausage each for the dogs 👌


The winner of this slice was Bonnie 🐶 💪
I feel shattered!
Yesterday I attacked the dead elm tree again. I had to fight through brambles which had grown through it first. One of the bramble stalks was over an inch thick! I had several naps in the afternoon. I just couldn't stay awake.

my Mother's house has some vines growing on a fence in the back yard. every time I visit I work on cutting & removing more of them. it's amazing how tenacious they are. particularly difficult are the main stalks which are like you say over an inch thick. I'm going to have to use some kind of saw, but not damage the fence. but it's tucked in a crevice where it is very difficult to reach. almost as if it knew one day I would be there trying to remove it
Breezy, grey and humid here chez Casa Reynard, with rain forecast for this afternoon.

Slept much better, but still crampy and sore - another couple of days and that will be it until next time. So another quiet day in store. I have spent the morning doing small tasks, like a load of laundry, topping up the fruitbowls, picking some plums. I have also done some writing and watched some action from Paris. I have particularly enjoyed the climbing.

Today's adulting will involve ordering a 10kg sack of cat biscuits (Zooplus have very kindly sent me a 10% off voucher, so I shall definitely take advantage of that), and paying for a batch of stock car magazines / fanzines that I have successfully managed to negotiate for. Things are almost back on the level at last, but I'm not holding my breath that something else will kick off.

Anyways, it is just about time for luncheon.
Lovely luncheon of smoked mackerel on toast, plus a flat peach, an apple and two :cuppa:

Now upstairs watching people kicking each other in the head on the TV and sailing on the laptop while the parental watches tipping point downstairs. I need to decide whether to water the planters, as the forecast rain seems to keep sliding away to the east on the radar plots.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The shops were all open in town this afternoon, and this on early closing day, too.

Very few shops now take early closing particularly in touroid infested areas. We did not open on Sunday for a bit of R &R but that was unusual.
Many years ago I remember arriving in Portree with no food to find every shop shut for a “ Fast Day” as they called it. We had to cycle on to Staffin before finding any shop open.
That was a Thursday.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
After a hard day of passive driving yesterday and not good medical opinion I got out this morning in watery sunshine for a trike run round by the Moss Road and return via the cycle path through a campsite and past the airfield. With slight diversions about 10 miles but I am knackered now.
A German double deck bus on the camp site with sleeping quarters upstairs and seating and cooking downstairs. They used to go to The Ross of Mull for Iona and may still do but I am never down that way nowadays.
The photo is on the Bonawe Road and I cannot help stopping and having a twirl around.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Took a diversion yesterday to look at our old house which was beside Littlemill Distillery and taken over by speculative house builders and closed down. The house with 1772 carved into the front door lintel is probably listed and cannot be knocked down but has been turned into a ruin and nearly invisible behind rampant vegetation. Very sad.

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