Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
First cuppa brewing
Black general waste bin is kerbside
Looks like a beautiful day outside almost clear blue sky and sunshine
I'm not sure what the weather is doing at the moment. I haven't really looked outside.
We locked Georgie in last night. At first he complained so we tried to ignore him. I got down on the floor to be at his height which he seemed to like. He came over and brushed past me several times. Eventually he came over and sat on a stool and let me give him some chin and ear rubs which he enjoyed. At 10 past 2 this morning a Georgie suddenly jumped onto my tummy! He wanted to say hello. I got up and took him downstairs. I opened the kitchen door so he could make up his own mind whether to go out. He decided to stay in as it was dark out and couldn't see who was out there. He was in the kitchen waiting for his breakfast this morning.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Salen Agricultural Show today and heavy rain is forecast particularly for the afternoon.
Parking and any vehicle movements on the show field get bogged down in those conditions.
No rain yet where I am on the mainland near what some eedjit on FB describes as the remote island of Kerrera.
Perhaps remote from the centre of London but you can nearly jump across to it from Oban.
We get some strange people wanting to live here.One lot just arrived and want somebody to look after their cat while they go on holiday as soon as they arrive.
I either go triking if it looks like staying dry or shopping if it gets wet. Looks like it could go either way as watery sun has appeared but will it stay?
Where are you going? I seem to have missed that bit.

I've been offered a job in Tübingen, which is much closer to the family, permanent, and better paid. I'll be doing roughly the same as here; training people to repair bikes, and hopefully one day a week in the wood workshop as well. I'll also be in a bigger workshop with a manager and a master bike mechanic.

Which is all great, but it means leaving the workshop I've built up here, my team, and the Breisgau region.
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