Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Late reporting in today.
Very early start and I have been up since 0500. Weather down to Glasgow varied from heavy rain to very heavy rain. The return trip varied quite a bit and parts were completely dry.
My right foot got a lot of exercise from sitting in the front passenger seat but not actually driving. Cannot really complain as son is a good driver with lots of miles driven over the years. Very tiring as a passenger tho'.
We stopped at a chain place I had better not name and had a cup of hot water which had been waved in front of a coffee bean.
Glasgow motorways are a nightmare as I have not driven them for some years and all roads seemed choked with fast moving traffic.

Royal Infirmary visit done but not dusted. A nightmare of a place for a stranger and lots of walking down long corridors.
It seems my choked up aortic valve will kill me but the alternative replacement may kill me. Interesting choice so opted for the replacement as perhaps being less bad. Open heart surgery is out as that would certainly kill me. Waiting list is about 6 months and a pacemaker has to be fitted first before they attempt to shove a plastic valve into place via an artery.
Another of the penalties of getting old.
Grey, warm and humid here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well thanks to lady issues combined with a knee that kept going numb. So I am having a day where staying awake is a bit of a challenge. I will need to sort out the car insurance this evening however, but that is the only bit of adulting I intend doing.

I am currently sat here watching the action from Paris and editing some writing.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
And it looks like I might have the track to myself for the hour as I'm the only one currently booked in.


Edit: an hour of the track solo, 100 laps. Not bad value for a tenner.
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Blood donation later

that's bigg of you


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Oh, and earlier today I got a call whilst on an important MS Teams meeting, so called it back afterwards.

Now we've been getting a lot of calls starting with "this is bank security ..." and spoof numbers. This was a very simple number, so looked like a business one but searching didn't bring anything up.

The lovely, but hassled, lady whose number it was had been receiving a lot of calls from concerned residents. Quite a few were elderly and worried.

We had a nice chat and I suggested she puts her answerphone on with an appropriate response; "you got a scam call, etc." and goes for a cake plus coffee.

So if that was you in the Bristol area sorry for wasting your time this morning.

I got a call while driving, 0330 number. It's so long since I had a hands free call I couldn't remember which button to press.
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