Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
First cuppa went down well

Hopefully our water butts have been replenished enough.

Mine has been mostly overflowing this year.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright and slightly less breezy than it was earlier Suffolk. Bit of a painful start to the day being woken by a cramping of the back of my left thigh - rude words may have been said.
The first coffee of the day is a long distant memory which means it's almost time for the second one which will involve the opening of a new pack and a first trial of Lidl's Italian roast blend which was on offer. The windows could do with cleaning, but I need to see the latest weather forecast before I do as there were suggestions of rain on Thursday.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
another back to work day ugh. peeked at my work email, double ugh. & it's gaaaabage day, triple ugh

You are awake early.


Legendary Member
OK, I know we do strange things in Suffolk but I've just got back from a couple of hours out on the bike and I still can't believe I saw a giant tortoise being escorted on a walk in Falkenham 😮
No pics as I was so surprised that it never occurred to ask the owners if I could take one, and the only thing I could think of saying was that it was an unusual thing to be doing. They must be used to it as they just replied that at least they didn't have to go far or hurry 😂


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Oh, and earlier today I got a call whilst on an important MS Teams meeting, so called it back afterwards.

Now we've been getting a lot of calls starting with "this is bank security ..." and spoof numbers. This was a very simple number, so looked like a business one but searching didn't bring anything up.

The lovely, but hassled, lady whose number it was had been receiving a lot of calls from concerned residents. Quite a few were elderly and worried.

We had a nice chat and I suggested she puts her answerphone on with an appropriate response; "you got a scam call, etc." and goes for a cake plus coffee.

So if that was you in the Bristol area sorry for wasting your time this morning.
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