Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
First cuppa went down well

Hopefully our water butts have been replenished enough.

Hopefully.. My butt produced but a dribble yesterday!


Itching to get back on my bike's
Ours were empty 😕

Just been out to check both still very low so much rain overnight


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Currently dry but the forecast is for thundery showers so wait for bit to see what develops before I get the trike out.
I notice the wind is rising which would blow me up the road by Loch Etive so a hard plug back. An alternative is to go on a circuit but this involves a section on a main road which I dislike.
OTOH I could just have a rest day as tomorrow involves a very early start and a long trip but fortunately I am not doing the driving. There are road closures and diversions as well to work around.
Decisions, decisions.

BT have just told me they have got the old router I sent back.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a partly sunny, warm and sticky Suffolk. The first coffee of the day has been had with paracetamol for breakfast as the sore throat has returned.

Today will be a day of mostly indoor domestics - the first load of washing is in the machine with another to follow once I've changed the bedding, the vacuuming needs to be done, the kitchen flood needs steam mopping and there's also the general tidying up and wiping down to be done. Somewhere in among that lot I will have to fit in a bit of food shopping and coffee breaks.
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