Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I don't have a garage.
I have repaired our tower fan thing. It was supposed to turn backwards and forwards but didn't! I took it apart and found a crank wasn't attached. It should have had a counter sunk threaded screw holding it together. I didn't have a countersunk screw so I had to make my own out of a bolt. A bit of filing to make a slot in the top for a screwdriver and a bit more to make it round and tapered.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed
I wish someone would tidy up my garage
Washing is almost dry on the whirly gig


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
“ Interesting” day.
Poured rain all morning but I was in getting a gastroscopy with no sedative which was my choice.
Not very pleasant but I have had worse done to me in hospital.
Hiatus Hernia which does not improve but change of medication on the cards.
Nurses say strange things sometimes.
I was hirpling out and her standard leaving remark “ See you later”. Reply “I sincerely hope not”. We both laughed.
Some shopping done then back to base where I fell asleep as the rain stopped.
Nice view from the front of the house.

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