Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
Definitely not.

I have seen her in concert and have some of her CDs.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
This afternoon I made a reservation for Christmas Day dinner at a restaurant.

Presents next ..

F that.....
I've had a lovely lazy day, the highlight of which was spaghetti hoops with sausages on toast.

Covid test was negative, but my head feels like it's been stuffed with cotton wool and I've got really gluey post-nasal drip.

Opened a new box of tests this afternoon, and these were definitely the el cheapo version. There was far less of the suspension solution for each test, the swabs were so thin it was like trying to shove cooked spaghetti up your nose and the nice little touches you got in the earlier boxes - like the stand for your vial - were non existent. OK, I shouldn't complain because they were still free, but you can definitely see where the bean counters were economizing.

Anyways, time for a :cuppa:


Leg End Member
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