Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Last day of work completed for this week as I have tomorrow off to make a long weekend with the bank holiday on Monday. I had hoped for maybe a wee cycle-camping trip to the coast but a sore back and thunderous downpours forecast for the West of the county has made me re-think that.

My poetry evening this evening. I had some time worked up so I was able to finish early and fit in a walk on the beach and fish and chips en-route. An aggressive Transit driver was most displeased with me for driving at the speed limit.

My feels mostly okay. I may attempt a long ride tomorrow if the weather looks sensible.


Legendary Member
Someone cocked up and the ticket page hadn't been set live before I had to leave to catch the train.

I've been looking to get a new pair of cheap/basic binoculars for a while as large parts of the rubber bits on my old ones had degraded and become very sticky and unpleasant to hold. Wex Photographic in Norwich had exactly what I was looking for, so I got off the train at Diss and biked the rest of the way in a very indirect route through the countryside. Home delivery would have been easier & cheaper but nowhere near as much fun.

While sat in the sunshine by the River Wensum with a pint waiting for the train home I checked and found that the ticket sale was open so booked a ticket for Manchester and then the hotel so a very successful and enjoyable day.
I am feeling very sleepy.
No sleepyness here ... the Rainbow Risin, oh yeah
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