Mundane News

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Day in the office and only a short walk at lunchtime. Just cut the front lawn and about to tackle the up grade rear. Postie had delivered the spiky fence topping to my "enclosed porch", thats the side on steps "enclosed" by a couple of large shrubs.


My order from amazon turned out to be not what I was looking for. Logging on to do the return it turns out to be a company I've had trouble with before. Using a different name and wanting to charge me to send it back. On closer look it's damaged :whistle: so now the return is free. If they'd have been honest with the size i'd have not ordered it in the 1st place.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun appeared about mid morning and a light wind picked up so the yotties should have reasonable racing. They were over at Ardnamurchan in a large group when I went out to a high point and had a walk.
Got there by car and a problem appeared like a misfire for a short time. It appears according to a forum I found that it is not uncommon with the Peugeot Partner 1.6.TDI but could not find any very definite cause given. Stopped at the local garage so if I go down at 0900 tomorrow they will have a ferret around to see if they can find a cause.

I am booked on a ferry on Sunday for a 0915 gastroscopy at Oban Hospital so getting there is important.
Several what appeared as nuisance calls were in fact automated reminders for my Wednesdsy appointment in Glasgow with cardiology.

Tomorrow is forecast for heavy rain and it is Bunessan Show day. Been there in some horrendous conditions but that was in the good old days before the touroid infestation when the roads were manageable. Of the 55 miles 45 are single track so not something I could be bothered with nowadays.


Well... It appears that the garage that I bought my Honda Jazz from several years ago closed a couple of months ago..
I'm sure it's not still under the same management but it's just been busted as a rather large cannabis farm... 😂
~ Local rag linkie ~

If you got it for a good price maybe it was and the sales guy was a touch high.
Flipping humid this evening, leaving the lawn cutting to today was a bad idea. Garden bin collection tomorrow, hopefully given the ♻ is still uncollected. Driver shortage apparently.


All at sea⛵
They're here, would you like some?

Good to know where they are


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
They're here, would you like some?

They've arrived here now too. Good timing, because we have 'pesto baked fish' tonight and I've been feeling a bit weird in the heat.

Doors and windows are open, there's a breeze blowing through the house!
And the smell. Petrichor!

(When i use the hose to water the lollo rosso, they smell of cap guns????)


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
If the new business model is as professional as the previous one, it'll be a blast! 😂
From Honda Jazz to jazz cigarettes! There's a theme.

We've just had a rather loud not quite a thunderclap more a deep and prolonged thunderrumble. The rainclouds, however, are not quite ready to deliver.

I've been dealing with my mother's medical issues all day so I'm now going to have breakfast.


A Neighbour went into a care home a few months ago. The family cleared out the house soon after mostly pocketing the collectables from old cars , buses ect that her husband collected from being a kid onwards. Plus the left over toy models from when they ran a stall.
Even heard them talking about how much stuff was worth and about having a car boot.

Anyway they are now back doing building work. On the way back from my evening walk I spotted they'd but some stuff out for the "scrap man". Inc a cast iron garden bench which is now sat in our back garden. It will need a bit of work but is not in too bad condition and is useable as is. It's currently more a big single than a double so I will replace the boards with longer ones.
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