Mundane News

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I'm playing 'We didn't start the fire' in the garden .... oh well, USA 2026 eh?


Leg End Member
What about a photovoltaic hat?
Summat like this?
Before long, the cat will be stretched out crossways on the bed, and you and the missus will be sleeping with your butts hanging over the edge... DAMHIKT :laugh:

oh yeah it's happening now. ha! you know! we wanted to give it room & not crush it. so the further apart we move, the more perpendicular the kitty gets, in order to be touching both of us, simultaneously. brought back memories of our Daughter, who did the exact same thing :hugs::hugs:
Before long, the cat will be stretched out crossways on the bed, and you and the missus will be sleeping with your butts hanging over the edge... DAMHIKT :laugh:

took advantage of a brief moment where it got up & walked around, we were spooning & I was trying to massage her sore outer knee, then little Kitty decided to attack the moving blanket! ouch! it's getting strong! & has perfectly healthy teeth & claws! :crazy:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Well... It appears that the garage that I bought my Honda Jazz from several years ago closed a couple of months ago..
I'm sure it's not still under the same management but it's just been busted as a rather large cannabis farm... 😂
~ Local rag linkie ~

Kingsley park garage by the white elephant?


Legendary Member
Driech start with fog and not a breath of wind tho' the sun is trying to break through.

Not a good day for West Highland Week who should be yacht racing from here today and I think tomorrow before heading back to Oban on Saturday. Did not see them arriving yesterday so lack of decent wind meant they were probably late getting here.

The golf course committee are warning walkers to keep clear this weekend as the annual local championship matches will be taking place and golf balls will be flying around and not necessarily where they are supposed to go.
On Shetland I was cycling up a side road near Scalloway when a golf ball suddenly appeared and hit my front wheel. This came from the adjacent golf course and I have often wondered if it was perhaps a deliberate attempt to get me as it seemed well away from where it should normally have gone.

Years ago, I was front seat passenger in a Hillman Avenger going past a golf course and a stray golf ball just more or less skimmed the windscreen.
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