Mundane News

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A hot and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well after a VERY late night. I have spent the morning watching the olympics and writing. It is too hot to do very much else.

It is almost time for luncheon.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
It is a tad warm to be wearing a coat!

Solar panels are very old hat!

I thought solar panels needed sunshine, whereas photovoltaic panels just need daylight.

It could be a coat of paint...
If we're going to be pedantic (and let's be clear, we absolutely are!) photovoltaics are a subset of 'solar panels', the other set being the ones that heat water, They do indeed need sunlight, and lots of it, as anyone who's ever tried to run a bath in a Turkish hotel in March can attest.
@Reynard what about the bat ??

I eventually caught it gone 3am after it got tired and holed out on the lintel for the bathroom door. Wrapped it gently in a towel and popped it back out through the landing window.

They are insanely cute close up, and so delicate. And it was buzzing while I held it, so I imagine that was its sonar in overdrive, probably swearing some at the annoying klutzy human.

Lexi was kept entertained pogoing after it, but she couldn't jump high enough / fast enough. If that had been Madam Poppy, she'd have caught it, as she was the expurrt in catching dragonflies in mid air.
I eventually caught it gone 3am after it got tired and holed out on the lintel for the bathroom door. Wrapped it gently in a towel and popped it back out through the landing window.

They are insanely cute close up, and so delicate. And it was buzzing while I held it, so I imagine that was its sonar in overdrive, probably swearing some at the annoying klutzy human.

Lexi was kept entertained pogoing after it, but she couldn't jump high enough / fast enough. If that had been Madam Poppy, she'd have caught it, as she was the expurrt in catching dragonflies in mid air.

I found one by the side of a road when I was young. It was still light out so I don't know what it was doing. I picked it up and it clung to my finger with it's teeth. I was with my friend who was 3 years older than me . We knew the bats hang upside down so we cut a slot in a cardboard shoebox lid and put it in my dad's shed. We named it Freddie.
It didn't live long ! My cat killed it!
We burried it by our apple tree.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with haslet and one with stilton.

I had intended on having a chicken and avocado sandwich, but Madam Lexi did not give her prior approval to the chicken. Ergo the last couple of slices have been binned as a precaution.

Steamed some sprouting broccoli as I will want it for later, and I am now sat outside on the drive - but in the shade - listening to commentary from Paris and doing some writing. Madam Lexi is stretched out at my feet.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Back from a hot 15 miles across town to 'help' (ie.. Do) with an overgrown 25' shrubby tree in daughter's garden. It's now only about 6' high and trimmed into some sort of shape. Lots of other bits of gardening, too, like untangling a Passiflora & reattach it to the fence and loading her car up for a tip-run.
Hot ride back feeling as sweaty as a sweaty thing!!
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