Mundane News

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Good quality earplugs are essential for these kinds of events.
I know. It's just that I didn't expect to stay overnight in the hospital. My thoughts were "Naaah, nobody stays in the hospital with high BP, it's just meds given and go home".
Wrong thought.
Lovely luncheon of a gammon & stilton sandwich, an apple, some blueberries and two :cuppa:

Sorted out some things for the parental including picking up her prescription. It was the lady who threw a strop at me a while back manning the dispensary this afternoon, but she was in a good mood and I didn't have any issues.

Also repotted some herb plants I picked up on YS previous week, and I found one hanging basket in the garage. Ergo I've added that to the old bird feeder pole, and now my basil, dill and mint are out of reach of the slugs.

Just finishing a :cuppa:

Now need to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.


Two things happened today which folklore says are both impossible, or at least v unlikely:

1) I removed a tyre and inner tube from one wheel and fitted them to another; without tyre levers. Easy!
2) I rang the hospital to ask for an alternate date for an appt. They brought it forward almost a month!

Re 2: do they know something?
I'll go to the naughty step.


Leg End Member
You'll be telling me actions have consequences next.
You weren't here when you posted that.


Legendary Member
Breakfast was had just off Leeds city centre this morning - standard cooked breakfast with a pint of fizzy drink with plenty of ice instead of coffee while watching the world go by the window. In complete contrast to Monday's journey out of packed trains and multiple delays, today's homeward trip was on time all the way and with plenty of space to spread out.
As an added bonus to visiting London on the hottest day of the year, the air-con on the train home didn't work.. It must have been 40°+ in the carriage!! 😣
And the air conditioning was in full working order on all 3 trains - possibly too cold on the Peterborough-Ipswich leg ^_^
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