Mundane News

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For it to be downhill one way requires it to be uphill the other way.
Flat is kinda boring...

You'll be telling me actions have consequences next.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
BP still cannot settle down.
Then there's something wrong with the kidneys.
So I'm staying in the hospital overnight for monitoring.
I hate hospitals but I was told going home isn't an option.

As soon as my wife goes near a hospital her BP goes up. On one occasion we spent hours in A&E, nothing they did seemed to work, so they eventually sent her home, whereupon it dropped back to nearly normal. Mind, taking it over a cannula probably didn't help.
Hot and mostly sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but woke up early because my bladder decided it needed to take precedence over further sleep. So I've puttered about in the garden, watered everything, paid my VED and done some writing. I've also been watching hockey and swimming amongst other things. Now watching people doing backflips on little bicycles.

Also got the insurance kerfuffle sorted out. A very nice lady called us on the dog & bone, and it transpired that we never received a letter saying that they no longer did that particular kind of cover. Hence the confusion. Well, at least I know where we stand on that, and we've been directed towards some people that do what we need. So at least that is sort of sorted. I just need to go through some paperwork before sorting out a fresh policy.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
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