Mundane News

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I'm not convinced that walking balance or standing on one foot, and cycling balance - which is more body balance then leg balance - are anything like the same thing. I've been too drunk to walk and got home safely by bike. You can cycle till you start falling off your bike*.

*I am not a doctor alert.

When I was young doing my paper round in the morning when it was dark I used to ride for a while with my eyes shut. I wasn't quite awake. I didn't crash.


Itching to get back on my bike's
It's sunny
Time for a brew


Legendary Member
I had a wonderful evening yesterday watching a harp ensemble, playing local music mostly notated by some guy in the eighteenth century. All wonderfully relaxing. Something has got lost in popular music between there and Westlife!

A nice bright morning after early morning showers. Last day of work and a half day.

I will be at a music event in the park in the afternoon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Beware the curves.

A local church minister here had Parkinson's and cycled around on an upright trike with no apparent problems.
His balance was so bad that when he was conducting funerals and standing at the head of an open grave the undertaker had a couple of men stationed beside him to prevent him falling forward. Latterly he had a kind of lectern set up in front of him to prevent such accidents.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wakened this morning by bright sunshine but it has now vanished with black clouds assembling.

One of my neighbours has got the hump as we say. She sold me a NO PARKING sign like the one she had put up.
Normally she has her car out most days but the sign was removed by the holiday house owner when he was here as it had been put on one of his posts without his permission and her car has not moved since. I am told by another neighbour that she is in a stomping rage particularly as my sign is still there but attached to a free standing post I put in.
Neighbourhood politics can be a minefield.:rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where the earlier clear skies have been taken over by a bit of cloud cover, but nothing as grotty as yesterday's.

Coffee has been had along with just a light breakfast of a couple of Weetabix. If I can get the grass cut today I wonder if I can find enough other rubbish to cover the black bag of clippings so that it can go in the general waste bin on Monday.


Vice Admiral
This is question for anyone who knows the NHS. I was talking to one of my neighbours yesterday. He described how his elderly wife, who has severe arthritis, fell down when coming back into the house. He was not able to help her get up, and he called an ambulance.

Two people arrived very promptly. They were in a unmarked car, and I think he said they were not in uniform. They had some very large inflatable cushions, and were able to help her back onto her feet, and reach a chair. My neighbour said they were not Ambulance staff, and had a designation of "Emergency something or other". Is that Emergency Responders?

He was very pleased with them. Later that evening a district nurse turned up to take a blood test. The nurse said that was usual after a fall. I have heard that infections of any sort can cause dizziness and then falls.
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