Mundane News

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Leg End Member
I'm getting a bit fed up with this!
My friend wanted me to get him a Hornby mug. He had broken his. I bought one on the bay from a person in Wooten Basset not far from here thinking that it wouldn't take long and should be okay. It has taken 3 days and when I opened it the handle was broken ! I have now got the bother of asking for a refund and possibly returning it. I could have cycled there and picked it up if I had known that it would arrive broken .
I'm not having much luck with post! :angry:


I have decided to dig out my ice cream maker. With the new freezer now in operation, I have plenty of space to put the bottom section in there to chill it right down.

That's why I've not bought the ice cream maker attachment for my kenwood chef. I've not enough space to freeze the bowl, i'm not even sure it would fit in these freezer drawer. A stand alone machine would just add to general kitchen clutter and is over kill. When the kenwood can the job of most kitchen gadgets with the right attachment.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with gammon & mustard, one with sliced avocado. Plus a banana, a tangerine and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon cutting grass. I have done as much as I can with the fuel I have - the garden looks SO much better.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: to watch the opening ceremony for the Olympics.
That's why I've not bought the ice cream maker attachment for my kenwood chef. I've not enough space to freeze the bowl, i'm not even sure it would fit in these freezer drawer. A stand alone machine would just add to general kitchen clutter and is over kill. When the kenwood can the job of most kitchen gadgets with the right attachment.

I only have a galley kitchen, so I've not much space to clutter. Which is something I've got to consider when buying kitchen-y stuff


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The clouds dispersed a bit and most of the day was sunny so sat in my garden for a while.
Something has been lying in a grassy bit but cannot fathom out what it could be. Red deer could get in I think but they always leave calling cards ( or turds if you prefer) and there is no sign of anything.
I have noticed all summer that there are very few bees and today I saw about 5 or 6 bumble bees only.
One unusual sight was a sand martin swooping briefly around but only one.

Normally I do not answer incoming calls from numbers I do not recognise but I may have to change that policy as the medical world seem to have their claws into me.
Got a call from an Inverness number which turned out go be the booking office for Oban hospital. It seems I have been on a waiting list for a gastroscopy ( nobody told me ) and my number has come up. Declined next week but the following Monday at 0915 is agreed. Then a local nurse phoned wanting more blood so that is next week. Of course I still have to get to Glasgow before 1000 to see cardiology a couple of days after the gastroscopy.

Ain’t life exciting.


Legendary Member
An afternoon spent in the park handing out events programmed and trying to stop brats climbing up on things where they shouldn't be.

I was supposed to be at a concert tonight that I had been really looking forward to but it has been postponed to October as one of the band has come down with Covid.

So a free night and probably my last event of this year's festival.

I've just discovered Eddi Reader is playing about 25 miles away with a few tickets left, but the tickets are quite pricey, I've seen her before, and as it's a 7:30 start and I need food, get washed and presentable and time to drive there. I will give it a miss.
When we were at Hengistbury Head on Tuesday we found a dead Great Black Backed Gull washed up on the beach . I removed the ring so that we could send the information to the British Museum. They have sent us an email. The young gull was ringing at Portland on 20 June 2019 about 30 miles from where we found it . Apparently they can live to 29 years. My wife was in tears when she read that! It was a baby!
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