Mundane News

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I am not in the best of moods!
I have sent my Woodrup frame off to have a minor repair done. We sent it with Parcelforce 48 pickup. The chap arrived but didn't have the printed labels as Crowd strike had messed things up. The driver said that the labels would be printed and stuck on at the depot.
Yesterday I looked at the tracking to see that it had been delivered ! The box didn't look like mine ! Paul Daniels now working for Parcelforce had magically changed it to an aluminium framed Cannondale!
I have made a complaint to Parcelforce! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Legendary Member
Good morning from a grey, damp, windy and humid Suffolk. There was some heavy rain overnight which woke me in the early hours and for some reason I just couldn't get back to sleep for a long while. As a result I'm two coffees into the day already.

Not a lot to do today and most of it will be indoors after I've been shopping - the bedding needs changing, one bike needs a flat tyre sorting out (probably an old failed patch and I need to replace the tyres on another.


The double glazing lot are back next door, this time gutters and fascia. They started hamming and crashing about at 7.30 this morning.
Now I was up and about but not everyone was, not very good practice in my book. Luckily it's the neighbour on the other side so the balls up they are making of the work won't effect our house.
Cool and grey here chez Casa Reynard, and currently dry. I will not need to water anything in the garden today.

I slept well - and overslept. That said, I needed it somewhat. I have had a bit of a kitchen morning, and food for the next couple of days is now simmering away in the crock pot. I have added the bone from the large piece of beef rib I'd roasted, as it will add extra flavour. If this was winter, I'd have used the bone when making soup.

I do not have any concrete plans for this afternoon, although writing will probably be on the agenda. The chapter I am currently working on is coming together at last, the hard part is making sure that all the different scenes flow seamlessly into one another. I've also cut a load of unnecessary verbiage, and it just looks a whole load better for it. Sometimes you've got to be ruthless with what you've written.

And I also need to update my photo catalogue, as I received a batch of seven new photos last night from a chap who was one of Paul's former mechanics. Just goes to show that asking politely - and explaining why you would like them - goes a very long way.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and someone wants their chicken.
Lovely luncheon of a tuna & sweetcorn sandwich, a pear, a banana and two :cuppa:

Threw some extra bits into the crock pot (onions sauteed in beef dripping), and am now watching cricket and doing some writing.

I am sat upstairs (to escape having to watch Tipping Point) and the aroma coming from downstairs is absolutely amazing. SO looking forward to tonight's supper :hungry:


Well this might not be mundane but i guess more people come in the news section pretty often.Well me and Joe Biden are giving up something we both love doing.I have just returned from Otley hospital,after having a hearing and balance appointment.i failed at the balance test i actually fell over twice.Mrs P who was with me thought i was going to crash into the Doctors desk.So that's it 38 wonderful years.Cycling got me through my divorce way back during 86-87.I will always be thankful for that.So i will ask my son if he wants my best bike and my tops,otherwise i will get shut.
Well this might not be mundane but i guess more people come in the news section pretty often.Well me and Joe Biden are giving up something we both love doing.I have just returned from Otley hospital,after having a hearing and balance appointment.i failed at the balance test i actually fell over twice.Mrs P who was with me thought i was going to crash into the Doctors desk.So that's it 38 wonderful years.Cycling got me through my divorce way back during 86-87.I will always be thankful for that.So i will ask my son if he wants my best bike and my tops,otherwise i will get shut.


Where there's a will, there's a way xxx


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Well this might not be mundane but i guess more people come in the news section pretty often.Well me and Joe Biden are giving up something we both love doing.I have just returned from Otley hospital,after having a hearing and balance appointment.i failed at the balance test i actually fell over twice.Mrs P who was with me thought i was going to crash into the Doctors desk.So that's it 38 wonderful years.Cycling got me through my divorce way back during 86-87.I will always be thankful for that.So i will ask my son if he wants my best bike and my tops,otherwise i will get shut.

Edit just noticed I have been beaten to it by @Reynard
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Busy day
. Drove 42 miles to Craignure and back for a consultant appointment in very wet conditions.
The consultant did not seem to have any more idea than I had as to why I was summoned. Did not tell me anything new re my gall bladder which they are reluctant to remove unless in emergency due to the danger caused by aortic valve problem.
White blood cells are a bit low but nobody knows why and that has been the case for a couple of years.
Yet another blood sample to be organised so I stopped at my local surgery to arrange this. To my surprise I was told to take a seat and they would do it in a few minutes.:becool:
Got some shopping in a reasonably well stocked Spar shop on the way down.
Afternoon I parcelled up the old router to be returned to BT and went to the post office.
More chaos and one bunch standing in the carriageway were outraged that I blew my horn to get them to shift so I could get far enough over to let oncoming traffic pass. At the post office I was so fed up I just abandoned my car at the door and went in with the parcel.
All the touroid do it and prevent sensible parking so why not? Cars abandoned everywhere in the street and car park.
I notice motorhomes are now taking over bits of the back streets which give a reasonably clear run out to the main road from my area.
This is surely unsustainable.


Mrs 73 has yet another advanced clinical course starting tomorrow.
So once she was home we've spent a few hours this afternoon going though the 1st part of the pre course work book.
Between us and digging out from way back in our minds some fairy advanced anat and phys. We've managed to fill most of what she needs for tomorrow. The rest will can work on before her next training day.
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