Mundane News

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Coolish evening so a frozen food shop at Morrisons (10% off voucher) but first a Simply Food where the £ seemed to increase too quickly on the till, such is the cost of free from foods. £3.25 each for a tiny pork pie (albeit labelled as serving two) and a pair of sasuage rolls (albeit offset slightly by a 10% voucher). Had one of those parking puzzles on the return to the car at Morrisons, how had that car parked so close to mine and the driver got out?


Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening hot chocolate went down well


Legendary Member
What a miserable day - while working in the west facing bike shed this afternoon, I needed the lights on as it was so gloomy. Also back into trousers and socks rather than shorts and bare feet.
At least I got everything done that I wanted to do, but the minor tweek to the rear derailleur hanger on one bike resulted in it snapping under just a little pressure - better than while on a ride!
Hoping for a dry day on Friday so the grass can get done.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Well this might not be mundane but i guess more people come in the news section pretty often.Well me and Joe Biden are giving up something we both love doing.I have just returned from Otley hospital,after having a hearing and balance appointment.i failed at the balance test i actually fell over twice.Mrs P who was with me thought i was going to crash into the Doctors desk.So that's it 38 wonderful years.Cycling got me through my divorce way back during 86-87.I will always be thankful for that.So i will ask my son if he wants my best bike and my tops,otherwise i will get shut.

I'm not convinced that walking balance or standing on one foot, and cycling balance - which is more body balance then leg balance - are anything like the same thing. I've been too drunk to walk and got home safely by bike. You can cycle till you start falling off your bike*.

*I am not a doctor alert.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Well this might not be mundane but i guess more people come in the news section pretty often.Well me and Joe Biden are giving up something we both love doing.I have just returned from Otley hospital,after having a hearing and balance appointment.i failed at the balance test i actually fell over twice.Mrs P who was with me thought i was going to crash into the Doctors desk.So that's it 38 wonderful years.Cycling got me through my divorce way back during 86-87.I will always be thankful for that.So i will ask my son if he wants my best bike and my tops,otherwise i will get shut.

Sorry to hear that, I am getting into the same position, but will see if the exercycle can help me before I hang up my pedals.
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