Mundane News

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Looks like all the locks on Love Lock bridge, Bakewell, are going to have to be removed as the bridge needs some maintenance..

Good then keep removing them once new ones appear. They are a mess and in some cases have even threaten to being down bridges due to extra weight. Matlock bath removed them a few years ago because of that plus it was getting out of control.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Good then keep removing them once new ones appear. They are a mess and in some cases have even threaten to being down bridges due to extra weight. Matlock bath removed them a few years ago because of that plus it was getting out of control.
There's a lot of them all over world.. It started in Serbia a century ago, apparently.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Damp looking morning but not currently raining. Forecast is not encouraging.

Off early to drive 21 miles to the local hospital for an appointment with somebody described as a heart specialist. No idea why as I have a cardiology appointment in Glasgow in a couple of weeks.
Might stop at the Spar shop in Salen on the way down for a bit of food shopping as I am running seriously low on some things.

Bright yellow seems to be the latest fashion colour for new cars. There are a couple resident here as well as some vans.
Several others look like touroid. Certainly conspicuous but otherwise not for me.
We did have an old Ford van once which I hand painted yellow and it was dubbed "The Yellow Peril". My wife used it for a school run but the exciseman's wife refused to let her kids travel in it after she noticed a hole in the passenger side floor. It was useful as a second vehicle for all sorts of jobs as the main car was needed for business purposes.


Legendary Member
Another dreich morning but another day closer to the weekend.

I opened a new bag of porridge oats this morning. My life is incredibly exciting!
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