Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Summer continuing here on this morning's perambulation 🏝️

Road works and detours for pedestrians still in progress and likely to be for quite some time. They must be widening the road to build this cycle path.

They've dug up the pavement that was relaid recently and demolished the wall outside the school that was newly rebuilt a couple of months ago after a car crashed into it. One has to wonder what qualifications are necessary to work in the council planning department.


Legendary Member
Petrol engine ones were common at one time and road legal. Father in Law had a succession he used for commuting and loved tinkering with them. A roller on the rear tyre on one example was the driving force but I don't think very efficient in wet weather.

Yeah, I've seen those. I know of someone who collects them.

The ones I'm seeing around here are modern conversions using kits from Chinese eBay on cheap mountain bikes.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A bit cloudy but dry and very weak sunshine.
Nothing planned so just having a rest day I think.
The trike run I did yesterday was a bit longer than the road ones I normally do but more restful as not harassed by traffic on the single track road. Totally different in that it is more watching out for sharp looking rocks and changing speed according to surface condition rather than constantly watching for traffic approaching.

There is a guy walks past my house often in the late evening with an ancient looking dog but followed about 20 yards behind by a cat but only in good weather. If it is raining no cat to be seen.
I remember when we lived in a rural area and went for a Sunday walk we had one cat which came with us purely on a voluntary basis. Sometimes when it seemed to lag a bit on the homeward stretch I used to carry it.


Legendary Member
Good morning from an occasionally sunny but more importantly dry Suffolk. Coffee has been had.
Need to go out in just over an hour to drop off the birthday card for my step niece, next stop will be the Post Office to get the bike bits sold yesterday off to the buyer and then onwards to Bury St. Edmunds for lunch to spend the sale proceeds.
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Legendary Member
Judging by the noise from the back garden a few houses down, the schools must be out and it's grannie sitting day.


Leg End Member
I'm really annoyed. My street supposed to be closed for a month. Gas works. Now all the street is full of signs that it will be closed at least until 4 October. Starts today. Parking permit holders, blue badge holders - all of us threatened with fines and police and cars being towed away. At least 100 cars belonging to the residents will need to be parked somewhere. Only 7 houses have got their own driveways. The rest is street parking with permits.
As it's gas works it obviously will be 3 days of actual work and the rest of the time just usual "dig couple of holes and put shitload of barriers and forget about it". SGN is very notorious of this. Time after time their way of working makes it to the local media.
There are couple of fun facts about my street. 1. It's cul-de-sac. 2. At the very end of the street is a primary school.
Legally, and its worth checking the order for the road closure for confirmation of this, they can't do that.
Access has to be maintained for residents, at all times normally in any road closure.
And, if they try using the old one of a spark could cause an explosion, ask them why they don't just isolate the supply first.

My local council really like me, when I start asking questions about road closure orders.

Anyway, get out and take a few pictures of those signs. There's a thread in General Cycling for strange road signs. You might be able to add to it.


Leg End Member
Couple of odd things just happened, they may or may not be related.
First was a foghorn sounded twice, no quarry or other explosion induced activity nearby. The second was a siren being sounded. I'm at 300+ feet above sea, and well above the local river, so it's not a flood warning siren.

To me that leaves only the five minute warning, so in case of the latter its been nice knowing you, we may meet somewhere else. In the meantime...


Über Member
Summer continuing here on this morning's perambulation 🏝️

Road works and detours for pedestrians still in progress and likely to be for quite some time. They must be widening the road to build this cycle path.

They've dug up the pavement that was relaid recently and demolished the wall outside the school that was newly rebuilt a couple of months ago after a car crashed into it. One has to wonder what qualifications are necessary to work in the council planning department.

In my experience it's being related to someone who works for the council :angry:.
Look at where this cat went!

awww poor thing. good looking cat!

we had a police dog escape it's "electronic fence" come on to our property & scared one of ours up a tall tree. wouldn't get it down. police wouldn't help. fire dept. wouldn't help. I certainly didn't climb the tree. didn't stay overnight. eventually it backed down on its own. what a relief!
Couple of odd things just happened, they may or may not be related.
First was a foghorn sounded twice, no quarry or other explosion induced activity nearby. The second was a siren being sounded. I'm at 300+ feet above sea, and well above the local river, so it's not a flood warning siren.

To me that leaves only the five minute warning, so in case of the latter its been nice knowing you, we may meet somewhere else. In the meantime...

maybe it was just a "test"

here in "the states" we are getting ready for civil un-rest after the next election & all the crazy violent extremist domestic terrorists lose their minds again. what is it with sore loser babies? who raised them?
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