Mundane News

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I live near some fossil beds (about 75 miles) mostly leafy ferny old tyme stuff. I need a license from the state to gather, but if I think of it I shall see what I can do with the olde archaeology skills set.

Thank-you for the link , so now l have an approximate date for the fossils, feels strange to hold a 300 million plus year old object in my hands. As you can see from this new photograph , l have unearthed the other half of the stone ,just pure chance .


Itching to get back on my bike's
Perusing the net


Legally, and its worth checking the order for the road closure for confirmation of this, they can't do that.
Access has to be maintained for residents, at all times normally in any road closure.
And, if they try using the old one of a spark could cause an explosion, ask them why they don't just isolate the supply first.

My local council really like me, when I start asking questions about road closure orders.

Anyway, get out and take a few pictures of those signs. There's a thread in General Cycling for strange road signs. You might be able to add to it.
Legally and everywhere on the internet including council's website the dates are 24 July 2024 to 30 August 2024. I checked everywhere myself as it's no fun having nowhere to park a car.
Those paper signs weren't here at 18.10 yesterday when my landlord comes back from work. But they were here at 6 am today. Looks like somebody stick them as late as possible to avoid any upset residents.
As I mentioned gas works company is notorious about not giving a hoot about anything.

Just have been outside and had a chat with a neighbour. Apparently he does something related to roadworks for a living and knows a bit about rules etc. He said SGN can't simply take over the whole street. We then both decided that we will see.
Street has got only one "Road closed" sign next to our house. That's it. No machinery, no barriers, no workers - nothing. Neighbour was surprised too.
Street isn't empty from cars. There are still loads of residents cars parked.

Oh and I will be taking a photo of the street each day. Out of curiosity.
In Illinois, we test the sirens every month, on the first Tuesday. We have a few fine old antiques around here, from the cold war and before.

oh interesting. you must be in the tornado zone?

here, on Cape Cod, I've seen "evacuation route" signs. I can only imagine they are for hurricanes. but back when hurricane "Bob" hit & they shut down our campground & told us to flee for our lives or hunker down in school houses, we stupidly drove away & while the hurricane was passing just south of us, I regretted our decision. the next we learned a woman was killed by a flying branch, near our home, on the same road we use every day

they shut the canal bridges after we crossed over. can't imagine the fright of the ppl on those bridges, or if they were emptied before it landed right near the canal

we were lucky because when the highway backed up I took an alternate route, which actually got us off the cape. it would have been smarter to get in a building
I went out for a ride with my friends this morning. It was a gentle 12 miles ride but added to yesterday's drive to Hengistbury Head and back my brain has decided to go AWOL. I can't remember things or names. I said to one friend about an Otter we saw on a ride and discovered that he was on the same ride. I'm just plain hopeless at the moment! I need to have rest so things will return to normal.


All at sea⛵
Waiting in today for Evri to collect an Amazon parcel. Returning because it arrived with the wrong battery 🙄

Don't hold your breath


Leg End Member
Legally and everywhere on the internet including council's website the dates are 24 July 2024 to 30 August 2024. I checked everywhere myself as it's no fun having nowhere to park a car.
Those paper signs weren't here at 18.10 yesterday when my landlord comes back from work. But they were here at 6 am today. Looks like somebody stick them as late as possible to avoid any upset residents.
As I mentioned gas works company is notorious about not giving a hoot about anything.

Just have been outside and had a chat with a neighbour. Apparently he does something related to roadworks for a living and knows a bit about rules etc. He said SGN can't simply take over the whole street. We then both decided that we will see.
Street has got only one "Road closed" sign next to our house. That's it. No machinery, no barriers, no workers - nothing. Neighbour was surprised too.
Street isn't empty from cars. There are still loads of residents cars parked.

Oh and I will be taking a photo of the street each day. Out of curiosity.
Legally, that notice has to be in place before any work commences. Including the simple act of putting barriers in a pile nearby.
That paper notice should have the date it was authorised(and on which it should have appeared where it is now), and who by*. Missing either or both of these, they may as well pack up, go home and reapply.

*As well as contact details, and the time limit for objections to be made.
Had a lovely luncheon of a roast beef & red leicester cheese sandwich, a pear, a banana and two :cuppa:

Errands have been erranded. And while I was out, I went to check out some of my foraging spots. One I'm not bothering to go back, as they've cut back the trees so much that they are visibly unhappy and shedding their leaves already. And the crop is both minimal and of very poor quality as a result. But I have spied another good spot nearby, where there is a good overhang onto a public footpath. I can't reach to scrump - just as well, I suppose - but anything that drops onto the path is fair game.

The last thing I need to do today is go and water all the planters. We did have rain earlier, but it ended up not amounting to very much.


Those paper signs weren't here at 18.10 yesterday when my landlord comes back from work. But they were here at 6 am today. Looks like somebody stick them as late as possible to avoid any upset residents.
Possibly posted by someone on their way home. Its an anomaly of UK legislation that public notices have to be posted on or by their first date of validity but not as to be by any specific time on the relevant date. So 2359 would still be counted as being posted on the correct date.
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