Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
maybe it was just a "test"

here in "the states" we are getting ready for civil un-rest after the next election & all the crazy violent extremist domestic terrorists lose their minds again. what is it with sore loser babies? who raised them?

Other sore losers.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
maybe it was just a "test"

here in "the states" we are getting ready for civil un-rest after the next election & all the crazy violent extremist domestic terrorists lose their minds again. what is it with sore loser babies? who raised them?

In Illinois, we test the sirens every month, on the first Tuesday. We have a few fine old antiques around here, from the cold war and before.


Summer continuing here on this morning's perambulation 🏝️

Road works and detours for pedestrians still in progress and likely to be for quite some time. They must be widening the road to build this cycle path.

They've dug up the pavement that was relaid recently and demolished the wall outside the school that was newly rebuilt a couple of months ago after a car crashed into it. One has to wonder what qualifications are necessary to work in the council planning department.

Wrong department to blame, try highways


Deja vu this morning. Private number phone call. Cancelled hospital appointment again, now Tuesday afternoon.

Lunchtime trek to the Co-op to use a 40p voucher on a bag of oranges. A case of mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. Three dog walkers talking, two dogs at heel and the third running at full speed barking at one of the other dogs.


Leg End Member
Deja vu this morning. Private number phone call. Cancelled hospital appointment again, now Tuesday afternoon.

Lunchtime trek to the Co-op to use a 40p voucher on a bag of oranges. A case of mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. Three dog walkers talking, two dogs at heel and the third running at full speed barking at one of the other dogs.
The third were probably telling the other two they should get out of its way, as it were running.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
That's another trip to Heathrow airport done. Pleasant day, gentle warmth. Slow cross-town traffic, 12.2mph out, but sailed back at a giddy 13.3mph.

DPD delivered the parcels I had postponed until tomorrow. Then 10 minutes later another DPD driver delivered another parcel that I didn't even know was scheduled for delivery. They found a different hiding place for that parcel.
A warm, humid and breezy day here chez Casa Reynard. Started out sunny, but now is raining.

Slept OK-ish, and spent the morning out with a friend and her dogs. It's lovely just to bimble and set the world to rights. This afternoon, I will have to drop off the parental's prescription and pop to the Post Office as I need to send a couple of bits and bobs that I don't have the right postage for to hand.

I will probably spend the remainder of the day doing some writing.

It is almost time for luncheon.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun is appearing now after I have been out.
Gridlock in the street largely due to too many vehicles and particularly motorhomes. Camper owners have no shame and stand looking on with interest as their raised tailgates and bike racks also cause blockages.

I noticed when driving past that the flowers on my wife’s grave did not look right so stopped to check and sure enough the red artificial roses have been snipped neatly off leaving only the white ones.
They are not edible and the heads are lying around so what makes them so attractive?

A local Trust organisation has conjured up a legal plan to thwart the would be holiday home brigade.
Homes suitable for family use cannot be sold as holiday homes but must be for long term owner occupation or rent. How this is to be enforced I do not know but flouting would certainly not go undetected.
Oban I think is even worse than here as there are students at the Marine College looking for rentals and a prospective new teacher among many others desperate for housing to take up job offers.
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