Mundane News

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Good morning.

Fair enough; more for me...


I'm really annoyed. My street supposed to be closed for a month. Gas works. Now all the street is full of signs that it will be closed at least until 4 October. Starts today. Parking permit holders, blue badge holders - all of us threatened with fines and police and cars being towed away. At least 100 cars belonging to the residents will need to be parked somewhere. Only 7 houses have got their own driveways. The rest is street parking with permits.
As it's gas works it obviously will be 3 days of actual work and the rest of the time just usual "dig couple of holes and put shitload of barriers and forget about it". SGN is very notorious of this. Time after time their way of working makes it to the local media.
There are couple of fun facts about my street. 1. It's cul-de-sac. 2. At the very end of the street is a primary school.
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Neither Ben nor Jerry will be happy about that!

Tough; they can get their own, quite literally in this case.
Georgie eventually turned up last night. He hadn't been in all day and his food hadn't been touched. I managed to get him in by giving him treats. I locked him in whilst he had his wet food and then let him out. He seems very scared and nervous. He later came in and I then locked him in overnight. I opened all our doors in the house so that he was free to roam. He came into the living room and sat on the carpet. I went and lay down next to him and stroked his ears. He liked that and we both lay there on our backs with him in ecstasy purring. We went to bed leaving him sleeping in an armchair. At 2.40 we were woken up by him wanting some food. I think he has been radicalised by some cat terrorists! :wacko:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You don't plug the landline into the router until your broadband provider (BT?) lets you know it's ready. Until then, just leave it plugged into the old microfilter socket.

I have an email from BT telling me all is set up and to unplug the phone from the wall and into the router. This has been done and it still tells me to check the line. No dialling tone and it does not ring for incoming calls.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Went for a 25 mile single speed ride after work, enjoying summer 🏝️ before winter sets in again!

I followed a teenager on a bike with a petrol engine conversion. Why, just why? It's noisy, smelly, probably illegal and I can keep up on my unassisted bike anyway.

Petrol engine ones were common at one time and road legal. Father in Law had a succession he used for commuting and loved tinkering with them. A roller on the rear tyre on one example was the driving force but I don't think very efficient in wet weather.
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