Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
I am about to do an @biggs682 and have a :cuppa: and a biskit.

Though in my case, it's a speculaatius from Lidl and not a digestive.

I must admit ours was the Aldi version of a digestive but still as nice.

Evening stroll completed it's a lovely evening .
Ah, now things are starting to hot up... Nothing like a few big boundaries.

just don't get trapped, eh?


Legendary Member
A friend of mine was caretaker of a Methodist Church and Community Centre (formerly the 'Church School') he lived in a terrraced house next door, one of his Cats used to climb up the 4 storey wall................about 60 foot high. :eek:

Look at where this cat went!


Legendary Member
The drizzle finally stopped mid-morning, but it stayed grey until late afternoon. As a result the grass never properly dried out so the cut will have to wait until later in the week. Instead I spent some time cleaning and photographing up some old bike parts before sticking them on Ebay - within 30 minutes I'd already received two offers for one of them so took the highest which is probably less than I'd have got if I'd let the auction run. Considering they were initially going to be chucked in the bin I'll take the cash and have lunch out tomorrow.
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